Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Can someone share a feeding schedule for a 7-month-old? I currently offer my baby breakfast and dinner, but I've noticed he's drinking less formula now. Is this normal? He used to have 5 oz every 3 hours before starting solids. My schedule below for reference: 5:00-5:30 AM: 4 oz formula (offered 5oz) 6:30-7:00 AM:...
Im a first time mum and a bit confused I don’t have much help 😫my little boy (12months) had about 3 bottles everynigjtnfornas long as I can remember and all the shops have closed and I ran out of his formula so, I decided for the night I will give him the full fat milk he drinks in the day time , but how do I keep…
My little boy is just turning 14 weeks, he has been exclusively on SMA Pro formula since around 6 weeks old when my milk production stopped but was being combi fed previous to this. He has always took this formula well but over the last week he is vomiting during and after every bottle quite large quantities of milk...
I’m EBF and my little boy is 5 months. I’ve tried mam and tommee tippee bottles but he just bites the teat. Any bottle recommendations and advice on how to get him to like the bottles?
I think my little one is having a growth spurt and needing more milk, she's breastfed, I express also so my other half can feed her and at night she has a bottle of formula. How old is your baby and how much are they fed each feed? I know it's different for every baby but looking for a rough idea. Thank you
Are you all still sterilising your little ones bottles and dummies? This poll is just out of curiosity as my boy is putting everything in his mouth nowadays 😂wondering what the point is (he is 9months)
My baby girl is 11 weeks nearly 12, and I’m finding one week she is dieting 5 ounce bottles and then the following week is only taking 2 ounces at each feed. Health visitor thinks it could be an intolerance to the milk and to try a lactose free milk try getting it prescribe, she screams while on the bottle and screa...
How much prescription milk are you given at a time and for what period (UK)? We are trialling aptamil pepti 1 and the doctor is currently giving it us in such small amounts, we are on week 2 and I've had to ask for more again. I had a look at how much it costs to buy and it is so expensive when compared to ordinary ...
First time mum here and I have a few questions!! How many bottles should my son be on he’s currently having 3 but feel he’s ready to be cut down to 2 - he will be one at the end of February. When should I start introducing Cows milk? When should I stop giving him his baby bottles and give him a big boy bottle ...
My little boy still wakes 2-3 times a night for milk. Is this normal? I've tried just giving him a dummy and rocking him but he wants his milk. He also has 5-6 bottles a day and isn't a great eater. I'm at a loss as I know he needs to be weaning off formula soon. Anyone in a similar situation or have any advice? Thanks
Ok so this is my first kid so don't judge if this sounds silly. My daughter turned 3 in November. I read online somewhere on the Doncaster council website I'm sure that children that turn 3 from September to December 2021, are supposed to start nursery in the term starting January 2025 so basically the term after ...
I need some advice! My supply has gone down drastically at 8 months which means I'll be introducing formula to my baby so he gets a full feed. Any recommendations for formula? Should I start off combi feeding or just go in with the formula? As the two times my LO had formula he has vomitted it all out. Also is ther...
Anyone else’s 4 week old drinks 150 ml 3-4 hours he use to do 120ml but yesterday screamed for more but I’m scared of over feeding he doesn’t always do 150ml every feed
They say they are for 6 months + ...anyone using them yet or still on the one below?
This has probably been talked about, but how are you introducing cows' milk? I have started to put it into his ready break and weetabix. But what would I do next? Would you give him half formula and half cows milk or just a little bit of cows' milk here and there 🤔 and then would it still be recommended they have…
Hi girls I got half a tin of kendamil Organic left that I opened last week and won’t be using anymore since we changed formula, is there anyone on here who might need it? I don’t want it to go to waste x
hi my boy was born aug 2nd and was 2lbs 9oz @28wk 3days now i moved him to childrens (arriving he weigh8lbs) hes now 5months (adjusted 2month) weighing 13lbs 11oz ! hes ng and by mouth 150ml is his max they claim he wont eat much at night hes tired! but day drink full feeds. i keep push for NG CLASS to bring him hom...
So my boy started out being combi fed at birth but ended up being a formula baby pretty soon after. He’s been consistent with his formula feeds from birth and he moved up to 7oz at 6 weeks and would consistently have 6-7oz every 4 hours. He’s now nearly 10 weeks and all of a sudden his feeds are all over the place. ...
At what age did you stop giving you LO a bottle of milk before bed?
Please any advice because as a first time mum I find all the info so conflicting … baby girl is 3 weeks, formula fed & I feel like the last 2 days she is constantly wanting more. She was having 120ml every 3 hours no problem, but now is waking hungry every 2 and still sucking her fingers wanting more. I tried to do ...