Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hi all, for those going back to work when your baby is 1, are you sending milk in? If so how much for the day. I've looked online and some people give one bottle some are sending in 3 and some none, as babies are 1 they manage on their 3 meals a day. I'm thinking to start expressing and stacking up the freezer ...
Hi mums! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and I have washed and sterilized my baby’s bottles. Should I sterilize them again when I use them in a couple of weeks or they are ready to be used? Thanks 🫶🫶
My baby started purées about a month ago. The last few days he’s only been taking about 20oz of milk in a 24hr period. He prefers to eat purées in between bottles and he will eat a very good amount if I don’t stop him. Is this Okaay? Can anyone relate? Should I mention it to his doctor?
My son will be 11 months next week and I feel I should start weaning him off his formula schedule. (I use WIC to get his formula and they don’t provide enough for a month with his current schedule) He gets 4 bottles of 4-5 oz a day. I’m not sure how to change it. Do I give him more oz but less frequent?
How long does it usually take for your little one to finish a bottle? I've tried switching the teat, but the flow seems too fast for him. He's 10 weeks old and using a size 1 teat. Sometimes it takes him 1-1.5 hours to finish a bottle.
My baby is 3 and a half months old and is been really fussy with his bottle. Pushing it out of his mouth not taking his full amount and messing with the teat. What could be causing this?
my LO is 1 and still has about 3 bottles of cows milk a day 220mls each feed. He’s a foodie and loves solids but I’m finding it hard to reduce the milk to just one feed a day as he needs it for his 2 naps and one at bedtime. Anyone going through this? ❤️
How is everyone sterilising? And are you doing it after every pump? I’m going crazy with the amount of washing and sterilising of the pump parts at the moment!!
Hi mums! I’m switching baby from EBF to formula but noticed a lot have strange ingredients like vegetable oils, coconut oil, etc… does anyone know if that’s ok? Sounds unhealthy - could you recommend healthier brand options if you’ve researched and tried any? Also the aptamil powder container says use within 4 wee...
So we want our son to start nursery on 1st September 2025, when he will be 1 but will turn 2 on the 11th September. Does anyone know if it's correct that he will be eligible for 30 hours funding from the beginning of September when he starts? As I understand it, from Sept 2025 children over 9 months will be able to...
My little boy is 10 and a half months, and has recently dropped to 2 bottles a day. He has 7oz in the morning before breakfast & I offer another 7oz before bed and he may only drink 4/5oz of this. He has breakfast dinner tea & a snack in the day. I’m just thinking this is not enough milk for him😫. Anyone else’s…
Baby is mostly exclusively fed expressed breast milk with the odd breastfeed, no formula. She's 3.5 weeks and has either 3 or 4oz per feed, depending on if she's going through a growth spurt. Do you increase amounts of breast milk in the same way as you would with formula? I read somewhere about not giving more tha...
We go to Turkey in August and our little boy will be 3 months then, is there any must take items that people would recommend? I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking about it and how I would sterilise and make his bottles 🙈🙈 first time mom so this is all an absolute mind field. Thank you 🩵
We use a TumTum for my daughter’s water and she currently has milk via a bottle. Number one… how do you clean your TumTums?! Number two… do you give milk in your TumTum? Are they safe to microwave? How long would you let the milk be out at room temperature? Do you use a new TumTum for each milk feed?
Now our LOs are older than 6 months are you still sterilising bottles?
How many bottles are day are your LO having??
Is anyone else’s 3 year old going through a stage where they WILL NOT get ready no matter what you try. If I get her dressed she will start taking it back off and trying to get out of the house takes forever!
How many ounces in 24 hours is your 7 month old having? Back of my aptamil tub says he should be having 21 ounces a day at 7 months. My boy is still having around 30 ounces a day (5x6oz bottles). Wondering if I should up his solids so he doesn’t need so much milk x
Does anyone have any recommendations for both baby bottles that mimic the breast, and also a bottle steriliser? I would like to start introducing an odd pumped milk bottle from 6 weeks so that my baby also learns how to take a bottle, and was planning on buying glass bottles rather than plastic so that they’re non-t...
Which baby formula do you use? And why?