Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Which baby formula do you use? And why?
When I prepare my little girls bottle, I add six scoops of powder and the 180 ml of water including the hotshot. This then shows as 210 ml on the bottle. I know this is because of water displacing, however when she doesn’t finish the bottle am I minusing the amount left from 180 or 210 to record how much she has dru...
So am I wrong for being upset that my mother inlaw doesn't brush my daughters teeth. And she gives her whatever she wants. I don't buy or make unhealthy food for her, but I feel like she's over eating, and it's not food it's the snacks that his mom always gives her. He just told her yesterday that he stopped giv...
Hello! My little one is 4 months old on the 15th Jan. she has started to chew the teat, faff and get a bit upset during feeding. Last time this happened I upped from a size 1 to the size 2 mam bottle teats. The next one is size 3 and described as fast flow. Has anyone else gone onto this one yet? The words fas...
Any suggestions on good transition bottles that worked for you? We are still using Dr Brown baby bottles for water and milk most of the time and our son drinks from them better than from a regular straw cup. He also refuses to drink milk from any bottles but the Dr Brown. I am looking to slowly transition from those...
Hello mommas, I am trying to decide between 4 different formulas for my little one. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!! Hoping for something as clean as possible that won’t cause disgestion issues! Pro/pre probiotics are also a plus. For now, I am adding breast milk to my supply as I don’t produce enough, but, e...
So in the uk it says to boil the kettle and leave for 30 mins and no longer to make the bottle but who actually follows this?? I do when pre making bottles but who has 30 mins to wait when you’re baby’s screaming for milk there and then?? I don’t get it or am I just being stupid
Trying to assist LO l, 8 months old, with holding the bottle with the handles; instead they decide to, either 1. Once lid’s back on shake it holding of one of them. 2. Holds but not tipped enough so that the teet’s full with the milk. 3. Allows me to hold it. Is there specific steps for them to learn how to hold...
What’s the best sterilising method for MAM bottles? I’m aware they are self sterilising in the microwave however was looking at the Tommee Tippee steam steriliser? Anyone use Mam bottles with this method or any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated ☺️
Going to Turkey in June with my family. My little one will have just turned a year old. What is best to do about formula for her whilst away for the ten days? Is it best to take pre made bottles or is there a way you can take powder formula and make it up safely?
Hi all, I’m panicking a bit as my baby is 5 months old and I’m due back to work in 2.5 months however she will not take a bottle 😩 we’ve tried a few different brands (Tommee Tippee, mam, lansinoh and cheap supermarket ones) and she doesn’t like any of them. I have really poor output when pumping too so it’s…
Does anyone know the calculation you do with baby's weight to see how much they should be feeding please
Currently on kendamil but not too sure my baby is happy on it.. a lot of wind/screaming after feeds and not finishing her bottles. She’ll often only take around 3oz but cry as she wants more. What formulas does everyone recommend? I’m torn between trying the organic kendamil or trying a different one like Hipp or...
Anyone else’s 9 month old not interested at all in their milk? This week he has been terrible and will go pretty much all day without having milk but is having 3 meals a day. He used to demolish upto 35oz a day, now I’m struggling to get him to take 12-15oz a day
I'm mainly looking at kendamil ones but I've seen some not so great reviews on it since they made it safe to sell in the USA. Somehow I didn't realise bottles are on sterile for 24 hours and that I'd need pre sterilised ones. Can't really seem to find any though, any help is much appreciated xx
My LG hates both Calpol and nurofen,it's impossible to get it in her when she is unwell. Does anyone buy any better flavour alternatives?
So I’ve heard kendamil have changed something in their first infant milk formula and a lot of people have noticed babies are constipated etc.. I’ve started noticing it with my little girl as I have had to introduce gripe water to her! What’s everyone’s thoughts and tips? Have you stuck with kendamil or changed?
As a first time mommy I’m not sure when to start buy stuff. When did you guys start?
Guys I'm so overwhelmed by all this. Is this schedule okay?? She never wakes up at the same time so sometimes we have to shift things forward or back a bit. 6.30- wake up 6.45-7- I make her porridge with her formula and then she drinks the rest of the bottle 9- nap 10-10.30ish - bottle 12.30- lunch - we offer thin...
How long is exactly the newborn stage mamas?