Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


So I’ve heard kendamil have changed something in their first infant milk formula and a lot of people have noticed babies are constipated etc.. I’ve started noticing it with my little girl as I have had to introduce gripe water to her! What’s everyone’s thoughts and tips? Have you stuck with kendamil or changed?


When to start buying Baby Stuff?

As a first time mommy I’m not sure when to start buy stuff. When did you guys start?


Milk and solids schedule

Guys I'm so overwhelmed by all this. Is this schedule okay?? She never wakes up at the same time so sometimes we have to shift things forward or back a bit. 6.30- wake up 6.45-7- I make her porridge with her formula and then she drinks the rest of the bottle 9- nap 10-10.30ish - bottle 12.30- lunch - we offer thin...


Newborn stage

How long is exactly the newborn stage mamas?


Fussiness after a feed?

1 month today and takes 4oz every 3-4hrs. Takes a bottle and formula really well but recently started being fussy about 5 mins after its finished. Arches her back, cries and flings her head about. I’ve tried winding her but gets to the point where she’s sick so not wind. I’ve tried offering her more but she refuse...


Nuby rapid cool when out

We tried out the nuby rapid cool last night. It worked well and it seemed to cool down the water really quickly - which is fine - but does anyone know if it would keep the water boiling when we take it out until it's needed or does it cool straight away? The instructions said to add formula straight away once the wa...


Formula Milk

Just curious.. My baby is nearly 7 weeks, I was feeding her with four cups of fórmula milk (Kendamill) every 4 hours or less during the last 2 weeks but now she looks a bit hungry… she looks more happy with 5 cups, but… Is not to much? How many cups are your babies having?


Cows milk and bottles

How much cows milk is your little one drinking in a day? And what bottles are you using? We’re still using mam bottles and worried she won’t take it or drink as much with another type and treat it like her water🙈


What is your LO eating schedule/how much solids/bottle?

Hi mamas! My boy will be 7 months tomorrow and im am wondering if we are accidently underfeedung him. We were doing 2 oz of solids 2-3 times a day and we're doing 5-6 bottles a day of 4-5 oz. Seems that despite hes getting at least 24 oz of formula a day, he is still hungry! He started waking for a 6th bottle at n...



My Little one is on cow and gate but she’s starting to bring her milk up thinking about switching anyone else had this issue she’s 9 weeks old


What is the proper age to start giving your child homo 3% milk?

I have a one year old that has had tried homo 3% milk just recently and his tummy seems to be okay with it. Should I continue giving him homo 3% milk or keep him on his formula?


When do I start buying things for baby ?

I'm unsure on when to start buying things for baby, I'm 13 weeks and have nothing. When should I start buying ?


Help xxx

Hi. My baby girl turns 6 months old on Sunday and I don't know where to start with BLW. Can you give me some advice? TIA



I want to bring nipple shields to the hospital just in case there’s a struggle with latch, but I’m aware they need sterilising. However, I also know that sterilising is also said to only last 24 hours? How do I pack them in my bag ready but also have them properly sterilised ready for use? I presume this is the sa...


9/10 month formula schedules

My little girl is coming up to 10 months and I have EBF since birth but as she’ll be starting nursery soon and my milk supply is no where near as good as it used to be I am switching to formula feeding because I can not pump enough milk for her at nursery. I’m just curious how much your little one drinks in a day. I...


Too much cows milk ?? - 1 year old

My little boy has a 8oz bottle in the morning and a 9oz one at night. He also has weetabix for breakfast every morning (refuses to eat anything else) and has about 4oz of milk with that. He wakes up quite late so he has bottle, breakfast, dinner. Then either another dinner after that or snacks. But I’m not sure ...


Milk quantity in 24hr period (3mths)

Hi everyone, looking for some guidance on expressed milk quantities. My little girl is 3 months old and I express and feed her from a bottle. I like the reassurance in knowing how much she has had. She is currently drinking on average 9 150ml bottles in a 24 hour period (total of 1.35liters or 46oz). Does this ...


Should I ring someone

Baby had his injections on Tuesday and has been so unsettled pretty much constant crying when he’s awake, sleeping a lot, not feeding for long periods 5-6 hours I’m having to pump to replace when he’s not feeding. He’s just not himself and I know that the injections can cause irritability and loss of appetite but I ...


Teat or without teat?

Planning to pack some emergency kendamil just in case I can’t breastfeed. I’ve been looking at the ready to feed range and can see there’s bottles with teats and ones without. Which ones are better to take? I know the ones with teats are more convenient but I think the ones without have better value. Help!


Transition to Full Fat Cow’s Milk

My little boy is turning 1 next Saturday 🥳 I was wondering how you all transitioned from formula/bm to cow’s milk? Can I do it just before he turns 1? He was born low birth weight so it’s been a bit of hard time getting him to gain weight.


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