Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hi. My baby girl turns 6 months old on Sunday and I don't know where to start with BLW. Can you give me some advice? TIA
I want to bring nipple shields to the hospital just in case there’s a struggle with latch, but I’m aware they need sterilising. However, I also know that sterilising is also said to only last 24 hours? How do I pack them in my bag ready but also have them properly sterilised ready for use? I presume this is the sa...
My little girl is coming up to 10 months and I have EBF since birth but as she’ll be starting nursery soon and my milk supply is no where near as good as it used to be I am switching to formula feeding because I can not pump enough milk for her at nursery. I’m just curious how much your little one drinks in a day. I...
My little boy has a 8oz bottle in the morning and a 9oz one at night. He also has weetabix for breakfast every morning (refuses to eat anything else) and has about 4oz of milk with that. He wakes up quite late so he has bottle, breakfast, dinner. Then either another dinner after that or snacks. But I’m not sure ...
Hi everyone, looking for some guidance on expressed milk quantities. My little girl is 3 months old and I express and feed her from a bottle. I like the reassurance in knowing how much she has had. She is currently drinking on average 9 150ml bottles in a 24 hour period (total of 1.35liters or 46oz). Does this ...
Baby had his injections on Tuesday and has been so unsettled pretty much constant crying when he’s awake, sleeping a lot, not feeding for long periods 5-6 hours I’m having to pump to replace when he’s not feeding. He’s just not himself and I know that the injections can cause irritability and loss of appetite but I ...
Planning to pack some emergency kendamil just in case I can’t breastfeed. I’ve been looking at the ready to feed range and can see there’s bottles with teats and ones without. Which ones are better to take? I know the ones with teats are more convenient but I think the ones without have better value. Help!
My little boy is turning 1 next Saturday 🥳 I was wondering how you all transitioned from formula/bm to cow’s milk? Can I do it just before he turns 1? He was born low birth weight so it’s been a bit of hard time getting him to gain weight.
My little boy has CMPA and reflux, since around 2 months old he will only have 5oz bottles, he still will only have 5oz even if we make a bigger bottle. Yesterday, we had a catch up with the doctor in regards to his milk and reflux. I explained he’s still only drinking 5oz every 2.5 hours and overall in the day ha...
How much milk are we giving LOs before bed?
I just finished pumping and found this piece of debris on the bottom of the bottle. I was able to pump two feedings in total (in one bottle. This one) and it just pains me to toss it......
When did everyone or when will everyone start the birthing ball exercises? Is 35 weeks too early?
Sick of washing mam bottles now! 🤣 Need something quicker and easier to clean. I've heard people recommend the advent bottles? Which ones are the good ones and which size teat, currently use mam size 2
Hi guys! Please help. My lo will be a year February 1st. He’s not very interested in his formula anymore. So I’m looking to start the switch to milk (I’m aware they say no cows milk before a year). I’ve read on how to switch them over little by little. My question is when do we give them the regular milk and how man...
How are we sterilising them is it just as simple as washing it or does it have a setting on them? For reference I’ve got this one
How to know when to change test size? Currently using mam size 1, my boy is 3 weeks and past few days has been taking awhile to finish it, sometimes it takes him ages to even get an ounce. He also seems to be feeding a lot more so unsure if he’s getting fed up during the feed and stopping which is then resulting in ...
Hi, My girl turned 1 recently. I was wondering how do we start cows milk with full formula fed baby? Please share. She hates sippy cups.
Those of you who’s baby is currently going through the milk strike, how many oz are they taking a day?
Context; my son is 4 months 3 weeks and the 40th percentile for weight (but something stupid like 98th for length!) Just wondering how low the percentile would be for you to take action, or if there would even be a need to? I’m not worried, as he’s growing in height and meeting milestones. His percentile for weig...
We've been prescribed gavisgon due to it being suspected that my LO might have silent reflux. I'm just looking for advice on how to prepare this with his feed as we had lumps left in a few bottles today and I wonder if we are doing something wrong. The instructions just say to add to formula feed so to try and avo...