Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


Context; my son is 4 months 3 weeks and the 40th percentile for weight (but something stupid like 98th for length!) Just wondering how low the percentile would be for you to take action, or if there would even be a need to? I’m not worried, as he’s growing in height and meeting milestones. His percentile for weig...


Gavisgon for silent reflux advice

We've been prescribed gavisgon due to it being suspected that my LO might have silent reflux. I'm just looking for advice on how to prepare this with his feed as we had lumps left in a few bottles today and I wonder if we are doing something wrong. The instructions just say to add to formula feed so to try and avo...


Best combi feeding bottles?

I absolutely loved Lansinoh bottles with my first but the slow flow teat says 1mo+ so now I'm wondering what bottles would everyone recommend for combi feeding that first one month before I can then switch to lansinoh? And mainly, which bottles help with colic / reduce nipple confusion and are easy to clean? I found...


How many ounces of formula

I hope this doesn’t sound silly, I’ve recently switched over from EBF to formula feeding and am wondering how many ounces my LO should be having throughout the day? She’s 9 months old and I’ve been offering her a bottle every 4 hours, usually 6oz. 9 times out of 10 she’ll finish the bottle, but I’m just wondering if...


Cold water sterilisers

Hi mamas, Do we have an opinion on cold water sterilisers? Specifically the Milton one I’m weighing up whether it will help with bottles or whether to stick with microwaving the mam ones



How many bottles and oz is your LO having a day?


Holiday and baby milk

I’m going away next week with my 9 month old and i’m wanting to take quite a lot of pre-made formula to make our life’s easier on the flight and whilst we are away but i’m scared to check it into our checked luggage incase the bags so missing (we have 2 lay overs) . So i want to take it all in a carry on but is ther...


Mam bottle teats

What teat size is everyone’s 12 week old on ? My baby started to getting really gassy so not sure if I should go up a teat size ?



Hey! What formula is everyone planning to use? I was thinking Aptamil but see something a while ago it has something in it that was harmful or something? Kendamil is always out of stock as my sister struggles to find it!


What size teat? (Mam)

LO is still on T2, feel I need to up it though


Nipple sizes

Hello, My 2.5 month old is using the level 1 nipples on the bottles. How do you know when to change nipple sizes? Sometimes there’s spillage with the Tommie Tippie level 1 nipple and there’s rarely any with the Philips Advent Level 1 but I feel like he’s working hard to suck out of the Philips Advent. Thanks!


Pre made bottles

Hi all - does anyone make up bottles for overnight to use? I’m not sure it’s advised but good to know what everyone does. Can you pre make up formula (2 or 3 bottles to be used within 12 hours) and re-heat?


September babies

How many oz are you feeding your September babies at each feed??


Bottle trouble

I am having a hard time transitioning to a bottle. I have tried 6 different types of nipples and he doesn't like any of them. It seems like he doesn't like the plastic taste of them. Any suggestions??


Baby milk bottles recommendation

Hey everyone, I'm currently 38 weeks pregnant and looking for recommendations on baby bottles. I purchased Tommee Tippee anti-colic bottles, but I’ve heard from someone that bottles with straws are better for preventing colic. Since this is my first pregnancy, I'm a bit uncertain. Could you please share your experi...


Am I weird 😂

I have a bad habit of accumulating 6+ bottles of water on my bed head and they just live there rent free. So I have recently decided whatever I leave there, I HAVE to drink the next morning in order to clean/clear it. It’s actually prevented me from bringing so many damn bottles in plus I’m getting hydrated af 😅


Sterilising - help please!

I think I’m still confused with sterilising and would be so grateful for any advice on two things!! 1. if I sterilise a bottle but don’t use it within the 24 hours do I need to sterilise it again? I have an electric steamer one and don’t want to risk doing anything wrong. 2. Do I need to dry the bottles/pump bef...


Anyone know when the melanin is supposed to kick in 😂

Our baby is half bengali (south asian), quarter salvadorian, and quarter puerto rican. You'd think the bengali would show more smh!


Bottle broken yet

Hey fellow moms….. my almost 2 year old (April) still wants bottle…. ONLY takes his milk from bottle he will spit out or not drink it if it’s in a sippy…. Is this okay? Any other moms whose babies refuse milk from anything other than their bottle?


Combi feeding

Hi fellow September mums, If you’re combi feeding, would you mind sharing roughly how many feeds of each you do and how many oz per formula feed? Trying to work out if I’m overfeeding! Thanks.


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