Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
What formula has everyone found to be the best for their lo? Our little one is 2 weeks old and we have been using kendamil but we don’t think it’s agreeing with him 😩 I’ve been told it could be too rich for him so we are now looking at a new formula to use we have narrowed it down to aptamil and hipp organic atm…
Combi feeding mums of formula and breastmilk, how do you do it? Do you still pump at the time that baby would usually have a feed? My partner had to give formula today due to me needing to get checked out and just wondered how it works Any help appreciated
I am going to travel for a day soon and will need to leave my EBF 7 months old baby with grandparents. I tried to give him a bottle today but he totally refused it so I am now so worried he won’t take a bottle. How am I going to leave him 😰 Any tips on getting him to try the bottle?
The most annoying thing to me is when ppl say yes we’ll watch her and then don’t log her milk intake. How am I supposed to just magically know when her next bottle will be if I don’t know when her last one is! And then I’m the bad guy because I don’t want anyone “helping” me
Hi all, I know I shouldn’t compare as every baby is different but roughly how much milk your 1 month old babies drink per feeding? Quinlan is a big baby born at 9lb 1oz who currently drink around 130-140ml of expressed milk per feeding. I don’t want to overfeed him but anything less and he will not settle. Forgotten...
Hi ladies, What bottles do you recommend? We use the mam bottles but the bottom has just shot of and boiled water has gone all over my leg and I don’t trust them now
Is it possible to overfeed a baby on formula? My nearly 5 month old has 5x 270ml Kendamil bottles a day and I've just looked on their website and it shows he's drinking way more than what's on their, should I be worried ??
Good evening mamas, hope you all had a lovely day with your little ones. Which formula would you recommend for a breastfed baby, baby is one week old but she is keeping me up all night feeding round the clock. With my first he was exclusively breastfed, so I'm unsure as to which formula is best. I was going to mix ...
I've been breast feeding since birth and have been introducing formula for the past 2 months. As of today we are on 4 bottles a day. My boy will happily drink a 7oz bottle. I began with 5 and 6oz but he would be furious when he finished and now 7oz seems to satisfy him. Anyway the guide (and I know its only a guide ...
Hi Everyone my baby boy is 10 months old, practically 11. He recently started rejecting formula he would drink it but then barf it. He's big on Gerber and Gerber snacks, very interested in big people food. What can I feed him so he still gets the nutrients of the formula? Or does he even need milk ?
Where is the best place to get hipp formula to Canada? Good prices and easy shipping
Will tommie tippie teats work on mam bottles?
Has anyone had any issues with the new Kendamil formula?
For bottle feeds, can I ask which sterilising equipment you have bought? There is so much out there from UV, to steam machines, to self sterilising bottles, to microwave bags; I am a little confused by it all! Thanks all
Hi I just started purée for my 6 month baby- how much milk do I carry on giving her in addition? For example I give her purée veg at 12, she is then full and wouldn’t want milk straight away. What time would you offer milk? And how many bottles a day in total? Worried underfeeding or over feeding .. tks x
Are we all sterilising our pump parts after every use? I’ve been pumping for 4/5 weeks now and have been sterilising my parts after each use which is very time consuming. I read online that some people put their parts in the fridge after every use for a 24 hour period. Any advice?
Since starting my baby on anti reflux milk, he’s been going longer gap without feeds. Most he’s gone without feed is 5 hours and he’s 10 weeks old. Should I be worried? Also I make 6oz but he usually drinks 4-5oz. I’m jsut worried because before he’d have milk every 3 hours, now it’s gone to 5 hour gaps sometimes. A...
My boy is 7 months tomorrow and has 6/7oz four times a day and a bottle in the night but I’ve just read on the formula tub he should be having 3 bottles a day at 7 months (I know this is just a guide) I’ve noticed he isn’t finishing his bottles anymore and doesn’t seem hungry. Weaning isn’t going great either so he ...
While I'm trying to breast feed I know my milk supply may take a bit to come in, does anyone who had a baby before have a recommended brand? I was considering Kirkland but I'm still on the fence.
Anybody else’s LO become extremely irritating to feed? Constantly getting distracted and looking for distractions, used to take 8oz, now only takes 5/6. I’ve changed the teat size but to no avail. We’ve started weaning but only a few spoonfuls a day, anybody else going through this? It’s killing me!