Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

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my toddler doesn’t speak yet and so he does hand lead to things or give me books / pulls me when he wants something that I don’t know what

Is this normal x


When did your toddlers stop crying at nursery drop off?

Hi! I started sending my little one to nursery two full days a week last September but she still cries at drop off. It’s emotional big sobs and screaming and I don’t know what to do. Pulls at my heart strings when she’s screaming mama and I just leave. What has helped with yours? Don’t know if I need to send her for...



Are your babies saying words intentionally yet? Like mama, dada, ball, etc?


1 year old not responding to his name

I'm very much concerned that my almost 1 year old does not respond to his name. We thought he did when he was about 6/7 months but now he doesn't. He is very active and already taking few walking steps but I'm soo concerned of him not looking our way when we call him


Help Severe Tantrums 20 month old

Please shed light on your experiences or tips navigating this difficult time. My son is 20 months and the tantrums he's experienced I would say are quite severe and im now thinking it's not normal. He's perfectly healthy, talking alot and meeting all milestones. He struggles with no when he doesn't get his way which...


Baby twitches

My baby 1 year old he twitches slightly all night everyday is this normal? please reply I'm worrying so much 😭😭


Toddler not walking yet…

My 17 month old is still not walking. He likes to stand up everywhere but will not use his push walker; I also hold his hands so he can take steps but he refuses & wants to sit down out of fear from falling. He seems very content with being on the floor & will rather run with his knees instead lol Any tips or advice?


Whining 2 year old

Anyone else have a 2.5 year old who whines NON-STOP? My son has a speech delay so I know that communication is already very difficult for him. But he can typically tell me when he’s hungry or not interested in the activity in front of him. For the last 4 days though, it’s nonstop. Nothing helps and when myself/ his ...


Dog and toddler troubles

We have 3 dogs who are unbelievable good with our son, a very rambunctious 15 month old. However since he was born they have howled when he cried excessively and got quite stressed (we had a colicky kid), thought it would improve but now he's learning to talk he is shouting at them to make them do it because it's f...


My kid has been getting really angry at their toys

Like really mad screaming and crying while playing with them! Why?


8 month old likes to bump his head when playing? Is this normal?

My baby lately has been finding joy from bumping his head on the mat, on me, on anything really. Is this a normal thing for babies to do? I’m trying not to label anything but I am first time mom and Google doesn’t help.


Getting pronouns wrong

My child speaks well and has good understanding but for years now always gets pronouns wrong. Not sure if this is a big thing or not? Has your child mastered this?


16 month old tantrums

Please tell me I’m not the only one getting a screaming child when she wants something (usually something she knows she can’t have) and has started shrieking in anger. I try my best to ignore, praise positive behaviours and redirect but feeling deflated and that I’m not doing the right things. It’s so much worse...


what is going on lol

is my baby trying to crawl or did he just discover he can move this way? it’s so funny to me, sometimes he fully leaps forward 😭 btw he’ll be 5mo in a few days and he can’t sit up on his own yet. do some babies crawl before they can sit up?



Due my second child in two days and I’ve really noticed a change in my 3.5 year olds behaviour, I think this may be due to him sensing baby is coming soon. He’s been using language we don’t ever use at home so must have picked this up from nursery, it’s upsetting and bedtimes are becoming emotional for us both, any ...


Aggressive toddler who isn’t listening.

My 2.5 year old has recently started pushing smaller kids at her daycare and being aggressive like squeezing cheeks and poking eyes. Her teacher says she’s more trying to get their attention instead of wanting to hurt them but she does hurt them and they cry. They have a hard time redirecting her, she will just scre...


Eye contact

My boy is nearly 14 weeks old and rarely makes eye contact. He will follow objects and take notice of the TV and toys etc, but if you try to make eye contact with him, he will turn away or divert his line of sight. He doesn't watch facial expressions and doesn't turn to look when I talk or make noise either. I have...


Crawling differently/strangely before standing?

My daughter over the past few days, and more so today after a day at nursery where there are older babies already walking, has started crawling less on her knees but trying to launch a flat foot forward almost like she’s trying to crawl with her hands and on her feet. She’s doing a lot of downward dogs and trying so...


Getting whacked and smacked and bitten by my 18m old

I’ve tried serious no, explaining, pushing him away when he does it etc. he’s like a little psycho because he knows I’ll react (because it’s painful), although I’m sure he doesn’t know it’s painful, and he smiles and thinks it’s a game. Advise? I’m guessing it’s a phase. Anyone know how long it lasts? This is a dail...


no words

does anyone else's 15 month old not say any words still? he will babble a little bit, but he mainly says "ah ah ah" for everything, he'll say "mamama" but he's not referring to me. and he yells A LOT. should i be concerned? he responds to his name and reacts to noises and makes eye contact


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