Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My boy is nearly 14 weeks old and rarely makes eye contact. He will follow objects and take notice of the TV and toys etc, but if you try to make eye contact with him, he will turn away or divert his line of sight. He doesn't watch facial expressions and doesn't turn to look when I talk or make noise either. I have...
My daughter over the past few days, and more so today after a day at nursery where there are older babies already walking, has started crawling less on her knees but trying to launch a flat foot forward almost like she’s trying to crawl with her hands and on her feet. She’s doing a lot of downward dogs and trying so...
I’ve tried serious no, explaining, pushing him away when he does it etc. he’s like a little psycho because he knows I’ll react (because it’s painful), although I’m sure he doesn’t know it’s painful, and he smiles and thinks it’s a game. Advise? I’m guessing it’s a phase. Anyone know how long it lasts? This is a dail...
does anyone else's 15 month old not say any words still? he will babble a little bit, but he mainly says "ah ah ah" for everything, he'll say "mamama" but he's not referring to me. and he yells A LOT. should i be concerned? he responds to his name and reacts to noises and makes eye contact
I feel like all my sons peers his age are talking so much n understanding. My son says no to everything, can say up, mum, dad, basically really really basic stuff. I feel embarrassed. Am I doing somthing wrong
Anyone else’s babe still not crawling? I can tell my little guy wants to but he’s not there yet. It’s discouraging seeing other littles on the move when you’re isn’t.
My baby is almost 10 months and still isn’t crawling 😩. Is this normal?
Anyone else’s 9 month old not crawling or showing any steps towards crawling? She hasn’t really progressed towards it at all in the last 2 months. She loves to roll but doesn’t stay in tummy time for very long despite me always putting her in tummy time from newborn. I see all the other babies her age started to...
My little girl is throwing tantrums like I’ve never seen 🫠 I am worried cause they’re so intense anyone else have a serial tantrum’er 😂
Is your baby crawling already?
anyone else’s 3 month old not interested in playing/toys? am i putting it on her too early? she’s not reaching up on anything on her play mat, i feel bad as she just lays there and looks around..
My baby has become very aggressive and is hitting everything, including me and herself. She hits object to her legs. The worst part is when I try to put her down; she hits her head really hard. I put my hand there to protect her head, and it hurts me. Is anyone else’s baby doing this? 😥
My little dudey has started making this noise a lot, to me it sounds like he’s half arse laughing not full blown but he does it quite a lot now and I’m like what you even laughing at?😂 anyone else’s baby broken ahah but nah just curious to what it sounds like to anyone else and if anyone else’s does this randomly.
So my mum, my mum's friends and alot of the older generation I speak to say that kids were quieter back then. I remember bits of myself being quieter too and I used to listen to my mum but my kids are 3 and a half and 1 and of course I don't expect the 1 year old to listen but the 3 year old hits me sometimes…
My 3 year old son is constantly crying. He doesn't talk he cries. His voice is a constant whine. It's driving me crazy. For everything. He picks up the wrong toy. Cry. His book fell. Cry. His sister is playing with a toy he wants. Cry. He fell down but wants me to help him up. Cry.He fell down and he doesn't want ...
My little one is 2 months and can consistently roll to her left side (not roll over, but turn her body so she is lying sideways on her left and she is actively trying to keep going). I have been trying to transition her out of swaddling- one arm out, and then the other night both arms out. Also her OT said she has m...
Random question but can anyone recommend a hoover that is decent but not too loud? My baby screams whenever the hoover is on and not sure if it’s because it’s too loud. My partner takes her in a another room but she still screams at the sound of it makes it so difficult to get things done during the week and don’t r...
Okay guys so I feel self defeated I don’t think I spent as much time teaching things I should’ve been I’ve been so focused on his motor skills my 14 month old only says mama dada he claps waves points when he wants to he doesn’t walk but cruises on furniture and has taken a few independent steps like 2-3 if I stand ...
Anyone else find they have zero patience for their toddler due to newborn exhaustion? I know he’s still only little but it’s so hard to find compassion for tantrum number 9 of the day when I’m trying my best to give him attention and also juggle the baby. He’s lucky his little sister is the most chilled baby ever wh...
I posted before she’s now 19m since the 6th I’ve still got concerns I have spoke to health visitor she said if still concerns at 2 she would look into it more. She can point , wave , clap she does actions to songs she can say 50 - 100 words and animal noise starting to use some phrases like where r you , love you ,...