Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Difficulty walking

My nearly 2 year old has woken up for 3 days on the run and can't put any weight on his legs, he screams if I put him down. Once I give him calpol and ibuprofen he's OK after about half hour, is this growing pains or has anyone else had a similar problem?


Baby losing his voice?

Has this happened to anyone? My 6m old started losing his voice yesterday. He can’t cry or make high pitch noises. He’s otherwise well, smiles, eats, and sleeps properly. No cough or other symptoms but I find it quite scary??


Hyperlexic child

I don’t know what to do with her! (Videos in comments) Since 18 months old my daughter could identify all letters in random order, all her phonics and tell you things that begin with that letter. At about 2 she started reading, she can read about 100 random words written down. We get her brand new books and she ope...


Banging head on the floor

My baby purposely bangs her head on the floor multiple times throughout the day it’s concerning me … does anyone else’s baby do this ?


Whingy baby

My daughter will be 13 months next week and for the past couple of weeks she has become super whingy what feels like all the time, if I’m not giving her my all attention constantly she comes over and cries at me. I just have no clue what’s causing it whether it’s developmental, teeth or anything else. She is a happy...


Bones clicking

Does anyone’s LO bones click throughout the day. Everytime I change him it his ankles click or his arm etc is this normal? He is 6 months


Pulling own hair and teeth out during tantrum…

My little girl had a monumental tantrum this morning over something that I would consider insignificant, though obviously not to her. During the tantrum, she pulled her own hair out and when I told her to stop, attempted to pull her teeth out. This isn’t the first time she’s hurt herself during a tantrum and I’m now...


Words and Talking

I keep seeing posts or videos about how many words people’s toddlers are saying. Everyone recommends narrating everything they/ you do out loud so they start picking up words. But idk if anyone has a son like mine, but he cries/ whines for everything. Putting his shoes on, getting him dressed, if i make his lunch, d...



Are your babies crying when they see certain people ? After a few days or weeks of not seeing them ? My baby is crying with certain people and making frown faces. But has also cried with grandma and made faces even though she sees her every single day. Do you think it’s because they are starting to recognize faces ...


7month old siting up and crawling tips?

My son is 7 months now and I am looking for some tips to get him to sit up independently for long periods. What are you doing to help support your baby so that they can reach their milestones? Currently; I am sitting him up on the bed and on the floor and he likes to sit for a little and reach for toys and then he...


Upset baby!

Does anyone else's baby scream bloody murder during diaper changes and changing clothes. My little one all of a sudden hates laying on her back for a diaper change and flips over and won't stop screaming. It makes it so hard to change. My husband and I both have to hold her to get it done and it's just so stressful ...



Anyone else’s September 2023 babe still not walking? My son was born 5 weeks premature so he’s always been a little behind on milestones. He can pull up and furniture cruise like a champ. I’ve seen him free stand for a couple of seconds once or twice. If we try to hold his hands to make him walk or use his walker he...



Recently I have been getting worse with my anxiety to the point I don’t want to leave the house or my lo leave the house because I’m scared when people are laughing or whispering they are on about my boy because of his cleft lip and palate I have been trying to ignore it but I just can’t anymore and I feel like I’m ...


Crying out of sight?

9 month old shouting and crying the moment I leave her to go out of room or out of sight. How is everyone dealing with this?


No clapping or mimicking

Is anyone else’s baby not clapping or mimicking yet? I read on the ages and stages questionnaire they should be able to mimic you and clap by 9 months and mine is doing neither!



Anyone else baby don’t like putting on shoes? I’m getting kind of worried.. she’s almost a year old and hates shoes


Every time I take my son to the park and put him in the swing he doesn't seem to mind it but the whole time he is swinging he shows no emotion. He joins/interacts in other play.. but on the swings very serious/emotionless/non bothered

Is anyone else’s baby like this? He’s 8 months old.


Not found her feet

She’s just turned 6months and she still hasn’t found her feet or won’t grab them when lying down etc…she’s also not rolled yet and doesn’t like tummy time anyone else? 😓


How tall are your toddlers?

How tall are everyone’s toddlers? Mine is 91cm and seems quite big compared to peers?! Sorry for the rubbish photo! Only one showing his height properly!


Funny pronunciations!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who wishes the little mispronounced words LO says could just stay that way, its too cute 😅 There are words he used to say funny but has since learned how to say them properly and I wish I had a little video or something to remember his original way of talking because he's…


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