Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Recently I have been getting worse with my anxiety to the point I don’t want to leave the house or my lo leave the house because I’m scared when people are laughing or whispering they are on about my boy because of his cleft lip and palate I have been trying to ignore it but I just can’t anymore and I feel like I’m ...
9 month old shouting and crying the moment I leave her to go out of room or out of sight. How is everyone dealing with this?
Is anyone else’s baby not clapping or mimicking yet? I read on the ages and stages questionnaire they should be able to mimic you and clap by 9 months and mine is doing neither!
Anyone else baby don’t like putting on shoes? I’m getting kind of worried.. she’s almost a year old and hates shoes
Is anyone else’s baby like this? He’s 8 months old.
She’s just turned 6months and she still hasn’t found her feet or won’t grab them when lying down etc…she’s also not rolled yet and doesn’t like tummy time anyone else? 😓
How tall are everyone’s toddlers? Mine is 91cm and seems quite big compared to peers?! Sorry for the rubbish photo! Only one showing his height properly!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who wishes the little mispronounced words LO says could just stay that way, its too cute 😅 There are words he used to say funny but has since learned how to say them properly and I wish I had a little video or something to remember his original way of talking because he's…
My little boy turns two in a week and he only started saying his little words a few months ago… ie dada, mama, dog, car etc but his actual speech has not progressed anymore since. My son is showing strong traits of ADHD and finds it hard to sit and listen when I try and say new words. Im naturally a worrier as his l...
Please tell me it gets easier:( My little boy is 5 weeks old and currently cries continuously. He barely settles, refuses to be put down and I just feel like he’s not happy:( We’re trying everything but nothing seems to be working:( I hate having the thought that he’s just going to grow into an unhappy child.
Hello all, my son is 3 years and 3 months. He has behavioural issue of hitting and pushing other kids esp smaller than him. I keep on telling him its bad but he doesn’t seem to get it and will continue doing so. i believe its a form of play for him as he doesn’t intend to hurt anyone. His speech is okay. can say and...
So my baby girl is coming up 5 months and keeps making a weird mmm mmm mmm sound is it normal ? Kinda like she’s moaning could be a stupid question but it’s just concerning me a little , I worry to much haha
It's only his little toe nails it is kind of 3d bubble looking. He's always had it so not from bad fitting shoes as that would be my go to. Just curious. It dosnt bother him at all
Has anyone elses little one making weird wheezing sounds with their voice or is it just my little one? I’m just curious 😂
I'm so tired of fighting my 18 month old on everything changing him bum, getting him dressed, napping, going to bed staying asleep. Getting him to not do thing or do something is a night mare screaming fits hitting kicking biting chucking him self around 😅 his melt downs are really bad to point he'll scream for…
First time mum and I feel like if I’m not doing something with her all day I’m a bad mum 🫠 trying to let her be a little more independent on the play mat while I’m sat beside her (which to me I feel guilty for 😂) but wanted to see what people are doing to keep their little ones entertained during the day. I’ve got…
How many words can your LO say? Can they count/alphabeth yet?
My LO is 10 months and not crawling yet.. she has started to rock on her knees back and forth and once I see her trying to go forward she collapses on the floor. I understand this is the pre crawling signs.. however just want to know how long till she will crawls after this sign? As I feel she is behind
My son recently started nursery and hes picked up on the words go away and stupid! He never said it before and its stressing me out because he only says it to me. He will say go away stupid mama over anything and everything
11 months and 1 week yet I can sometimes call 10 times with no look at me. He has great eye contact, he babbles and says a few words like Mama, wow, ball and bubbles. The not responding to name is worrying me - asking other mothers here if your baby of a similar age responds well to name by now (11 months)?