Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
How many words can your LO say? Can they count/alphabeth yet?
My LO is 10 months and not crawling yet.. she has started to rock on her knees back and forth and once I see her trying to go forward she collapses on the floor. I understand this is the pre crawling signs.. however just want to know how long till she will crawls after this sign? As I feel she is behind
My son recently started nursery and hes picked up on the words go away and stupid! He never said it before and its stressing me out because he only says it to me. He will say go away stupid mama over anything and everything
11 months and 1 week yet I can sometimes call 10 times with no look at me. He has great eye contact, he babbles and says a few words like Mama, wow, ball and bubbles. The not responding to name is worrying me - asking other mothers here if your baby of a similar age responds well to name by now (11 months)?
Anyone’s baby still not crawling?
Anyone baby not saying mama or dada.. constantly saying ahh, screaming and blow raspberries? Worrying as I keep seeing on here other babies saying mama and dada mine not saying any yet.
Has this happened to someone else where they suddenly got more clingy? I can't put her down without her whining and trying to crawl back on to me.
For context, I am out of ideas she won't stop screaming no matter what i do. She doesn't have a fever, fed, warm, nappy clean.... but she will scream nonstop. She seems healthy without any issues. Help.
Anyone else’s one year old constantly crying and being fussy? She never is usually like this, turned one a couple of weeks ago. Her sleep used to be great, she’d wake in her cot and get into my bed then sleep through but this last couple days she’s been waking up and crying even when in my bed. I know it could also ...
So my one year old really enjoys spinning things, wheels of his toy cars, fidget spinners, he likes seeing things spin too, like fans. Also very recently, he does this thing with his fingers, where he sort of stretches them out and gets agitated (I don't know if my description helps)...but could all of this be autis...
Is anyone’s baby still not talking and are you starting to worry? Baring in mind my son is a great walker and was walking confidently from the age of 1
Looking for advice on what we should be buying to prep for crawling and weaning please? Baby is 5 months and looks like she'll be crawling soon, should I get a playpen? Or just baby proof corners? Or both? Anything else..? Also any advice on what we should get for weaning apart from a chair, spoon, sippy sup, suct...
My baby has just hit 4 months and hasn’t laughed yet. He smiles all the time and is very vocal but still hasn’t laughed. I guess I’m getting a little worried as when I search I hear most babies are laughing by now. Is this normal? He’s hitting all other milestones perfectly, even started rolling from back to front t...
My 5 month old fell asleep in the car as I went to my mum's today. He's been there before and sees her multiple times a week.. . I left him nap while mum and I had tea and a chat. When I heard him start to rouse I went into his room and picked him up and cuddles him as usual. He seemed a little off... Then he looked...
Is screaming a sign of autism? My LO at 5months does this mostly when she’s tired or it’s too noisy and bright. She’s been doing it on and off for about a month or so …should I be worried? Does anyone else’s LO do it?
Not a complaint, more a curiosity! My son is so loud; he’ll babble and burble for maybe 20 minutes straight at times 🤪😂 When he wakes in the morning, he’ll have a good babble before we start the day. Anyone else’s baby noisy?
Is it weird that my newborn is smiling a lot and he’s only a week old?? Should I be worried It’s kinda scary cos I never had this with my first till he was about a month ish old 😂😩
My baby is asleep and I've just noticed this there is loads I've cleaned it all up and can't really see any fresh cuts and it looks like the actual inside of his ear looks a bit bluddy to this has happened a few times when he is self soothing to sleep he plays with his ears and sometimes his nails will scratch the i...
My almost 4yo is so so mischievous, he will do all sorts of known no-nos so he ends up in time outs (like hitting we don’t redirect with that,it’s time out). then he’s been good for a few days/week, he starts getting maybe reckless playing-throws a big stuffy at baby knocking her over so time out for first time in a...
Has anybody else’s baby started throwing their arms around and smacking them during feedings? My baby just randomly started doing it the other day and it’s cracking me up!😂