Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My usually good sleeper is struggling with his sleep. No changes to routine. Will wake on the night and be up for hours even with rocking/cuddling won’t go back to sleep. Any suggestions?
We got to leave the hospital today with our newborn. We had her on 3/5 and she had a few complications ended up in the Special Care Nursery (a level 2 NICU) this morning she was cleared and we got to bring her home! After being home I have found myself almost unable to stop crying because I have convinced myself tha...
What do you do/ or would you do when your BD/ex fiance is a narcissist and have hurt you severely during and after the pregnancy? Talk about all kinds of abuse including cheating... But loves his baby (9 months) and want to be present every step of the way. Baby however exclusively breastfeeds so can't go alone, ref...
Is my kid the only one that woke up on the wrong side of her nap today?? She’s just been yelling and screaming at us since she got up.. oh and she’s only 6 months old..
My little one is 2 months old. He refuses to nap and when he does it’s for 10-15 minutes. It’s rare to me when he actually naps for an hour or more. At night luckily he sleeps more between feeds (and I also get to rest for a few hrs) but during the day it’s all fuss and crying that are driving me crazy 😭 because I…
15 month still not sleeping thru night 🥲 What u guys do
So lately, I've been feeling so bummed and just so down, being 4 months postpartum, I haven't been able to do any high intensity workouts because of my knee being in so much pain. I'm still waiting on a referral to physical therapy for it. But in tip of that, the hair loss is real.. every day, it's 3-4 big clumps of...
Is anyone elses toddler super clingy? Like if i try to leave him with his grandma so i can shop around the store he freaks out and starts crying or if we try to get up from a table at a restaurant he will cry then too!😩
My daughter is 14 months and she cruises along furniture but she will not walk or stand unassisted. Just want to hear some success stories, and wondering if I should take her to a physical therapist…
I’m due with #3 and my Explorer isn’t going to work anymore. What do you recommend? I personally love SUVs. Would like to be able to tow a camper too! Big trunk, bench seats and dual moonroof are must haves! Would like something with cabin talk or the back seat cameras if possible.
Just had a pretty major surgery... my mom took of a few weeks to help with the kids and take care of me. It's day two and she's exhausted! My partner not only didn't take days off, he also did not visit at the hospital, seen or helped with the kids. He hasn't even phoned to check up on them or myself. I'm angry, I'm...
My two week old is CONSTANTLY grunting the minute she's laid down. We keep her upright after a bottle for 40 mins burp her alot and get her up sometimes when he grunting is really bad incase it's wind which sometimes it is. We use infacol (midwife recommended) like I said sit her up burp her and she just seems so un...
I have a friend who is also pregnant (further along), I was so excited we were going to be pregnant together. Anytime I try to talk to her about anything to do with the pregnancy she either takes the piss out of me or rejects the conversation for example every time I see her she laughs if I’m tired, and makes joke...
Hi all. 6 month old ebf baby (just started weaning) refuses to sleep in his crib at night once he’s woken once. He goes off ok sleepy but awake with some soothing and does his naps in there. But once he’s woken for a late feed he’s awake every 2 hours and becomes hysterical if not taken out. Only things that work ar...
My son is 18months and his pinching and hitting got worse. At first we would tell him not to do that in a very serious way and it worked for a while. After a while it stopped working and idk what to do 😭 Another thing, if I’m on the bed he just throws himself on me and starts to attack. Is this normal? Maybe he…
Has anyone used the Molly’s Bliss sleep drops? Any pros/cons/advice?
Hello, what are you putting your baby into sleep currently? I have a 3 week old (birth weight was 8lbs 9oz) currently using a cellular blanket but no matter how much I tuck this in under mattress or round him, he’s started to kick it off. I’ve heard so many mixed options on sleep bags at this age even tho the two...
Does anyone know if we can bring a buggy free of charge on Ryanair flights, or if there are any extra fees if the child is 2 years old or older? Any personal experiences would be really appreciated! Many thanks!
My breast has somewhat come to a stop 2 months after giving birth. I increased my water intake, have enough sleep yet hardly 10ml is expressed from both breasts. I have now started drinking hottea mama (milk’s up) hopefully this helps. Any advice would be grateful please 😔
Why is it SO hard and emotional watching your child grow up ? I’m in tears all the time anymore. He’s only 3 but everything is changing and I don’t know how to cope with it. He’s my only one. I feel like anxiety all the time about it