Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Anyone else’s baby just hate the love to dream swaddles? He will happily go down swaddled in a blanket but not in a sleep bag 🤦♀️ my issue is is that I don’t like using the blanket so looking for other suggestions!
My partner went back to work 2 weeks ago. He started sleeping in the other room by himself so he could sleep and be well rested for the work day ahead. He kind of sprung this idea up on my last second so I didn’t have a great response as to what an alternative solution would be. In my mind, I’m thinking. I have to t...
I keep seeing swapping milk. How about bottles. I still have a bit of formula left so will be swapping soon but I have given my baby the formula in a supply cup and also straw cup and she kept taking and spitting it out. What cups are people swapping their bottles from
Has anyone seen any osteopath for jaw tension to help either latching? Any adjustments done? Baby wont latch well on bottle let alone nipple and its making the experience very terrifying
Baby is eating more and more food, but is refusing bottles. Smacking them away without even taking a drop at points, so far today she’s had 120ml and I just tried with a bottle and just will not take it. I spoke with the health visitor who didn’t seem concerned and said she will drop bottles. On the BLW group I was ...
I’m 5 months PP and starting to feel a bit self conscious about my hair thinning in my parting/temples. Trying not to tie my hair back tightly etc, and know that eventually it will stop and go back to normal, but do any mums have some tried and true recommendations for hair growth products that they used?
I woke up to my baby playing on the floor with her dog. The problem is she was in bed with me sleeping. We have bed rails that span most of the bed aside from the section where you enter she got down off the bed. Which in any other scenario I would be thrilled because we had been working on safely getting off of fur...
I am 5 weeks postpartum and I’m experiencing lots of thoughts I keep thinking to myself what did I get myself into by having a baby? All I keep thinking is that I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life. I feel like a bad mom thinking this because I have been freaking out when taking care of my daughter. My fi...
This is either a help me post or some advice for other mums post, I can’t tell 🤦♀️ I have bought two pairs of baby shoes now my little one is walking. Both hard soled, and one pair perfect size with space to grow and the the others are too big. I can not get any of them on as hard as I try. And then he cries.…
Does anyone else’s baby cry while tryna shit?? It’s not all the time but I notice that she be struggling to poop sometimes. Ive tried apple juice, rubbing her tummy, garlic foot bath, etc. it feels like nothing helps. It also seems like she struggles to burp. She will burp easily her first two but then it seems like...
does anyone have recommendations for good travel stroller airplane approved? we are going on easyjet. my son is 2 years old and he’s quite tall so one that would work for older kids! thank you ✨
since 20 weeks ish (now 24) i’ve been having to use nipple cream on and off. i didn’t realise this was a symptom, has anyone else had something similar or am i weird ?! no odour, strange colour or inflammation. the skin seems to be dry or as if something has leaked and dried on my bra but only a very tiny amou...
Any recommendations for weaning books and high chairs? Still got a couple of months but looking at different options to slowly get prepared
How long does epidural pain/achyness last after giving birth ?
What pouch brands would you recommend? The ones with just the actual ingredients like Ella's kitchen are so expensive but we struggle to give baby what we are having and are worried about choking at the moment
Do they offer it? If yes, share your experience with it please
Please what handsfree breast pump will you recommend and why . I urgently need to give pumping another shot but I do not want to make a mistake in purchasing the wrong pump . I would appreciate your recommendations
I’m 38+1 and always seeing posts on here and TikTok about harvesting from like 36/37 weeks? I briefly mentioned it to midwife weeks ago, who said some mums do it but it is not essential.. but didn’t really go into further detail. Perhaps I should have probed more? Just wondering what the benefits are for harvestin...
My 7 month old has recently started to crawl and he is into everything already ! I’m torn on whether or not to get a play pen or if I should just be teaching him and encouraging him what not to touch. We only have a very small open plan downstairs area and if we add a playpen too then I worry there won’t be enough r...
Just here to tell you ladies that the answer to hemorrhoids and/or constipation is eating 1-2 kiwis per day. Thank me later! 🫶