Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My baby is currently on 7oz and has been for a little while. This seems like a lot to me but I've followed their direction. The last dew days they keep crying after every feed indicating they want more. Surely 8oz is way too much at this age?
Anyone else here not using their buggy/pram anymore for their toddler? My boy wants to walk everywhere now, the problem is he doesn't really walk that long (only for 5 min at a time, then he either gets scared by something or just wants to cling to either me or his dad or he wants to walk in the opposite direction ...
My toddler knows lots of words, sings lots of songs from her nursery, and chats all day on her own, but when it comes to communicating needs, she just grabs my hand and leads me instead of using sentences. We’re a bilingual household and try to speak to her in English, but she still prefers single words or gestures...
Has anyone else struggled 10 days into breastfeeding? My lo has been latching well until tonight, he had a bottle of expressed breast milk earlier on today and now I feel like his latch is too shallow. I can also usually hear the flow of milk as he drinks but can’t hear anything so worried my milk may have also redu...
I’m going to be using mam bottles for my baby, to start off with at least. I know you can sterile them in the microwave but I’m torn whether I should buy a steriliser as well, or would that be a waste of money?
Mammas I need your guys help my baby been fussy a lot more and he been want me to hold him and everything I put him down he crying and he been trying to eat everything and he is 3 months I think he is teething but idk
Just wanted some advice. Has anyone parents experienced this. I have a 14 month old and a 3 week old, although my 14 month old adore her, she has now started to have tantrums when my newborn is either in my arms or my partners arms. She starts to fake cry, or scream and now learnt to pinch. No matter how much atten...
Okay, so when my daughter was first born she struggled to latch and we had to stay in the hospital for the first few days so she was having formula and I didn’t pump until getting home a good few days later. I never had enough to exclusively breastfeed so would give her formula and once I had enough for a bottle of ...
How much milk is your baby drinking now
Hello, my baby turned 4 weeks yesterday and all i have done for the past 4 weeks is beastfeed and change nappies. I am not joking she literally wants to be on the boob 24/7. Is this normal? Everytime she feeds for 20/30mins with maximum 45mins break and thats the max. Do I have not enough milk because when she is no...
Has anyone got any of the old style tubs for sale? Happy to pay full price but lo is constipated on the new tins. Thanks!
What products are you going to be using for Bath time and skincare for your newborn? I'm trying to find products that are nafe safe but there so much conflicting information out there.
Hey all, just looking for non wifi baby monitor recommendations? We had a wifi one but after a bad experience (hacking) are looking for a new camera! Ideally not wanting to spend a million quid but open to suggestions! Thank you!
Anyone else's babe cry for long periods at night? Around the same time my baby cries about 7pm every night without fail. I've tried everything and although she does have gut issues, in my heart I don't think that's what is upsetting her. She's absolutely fine all day until bed time then cries for a few hours until s...
My 1 year old is currently at the stage where she’s throwing tantrums for no reason. She ‘cries’ at everything when she doesn’t have things go her way, she screams at everything and is throwing everything. I’m pregnant, nearly due and I feel like crying when she does this, my hormones are all over the place which do...
Anyone else's baby have a false start every single night? My little boy has at least one and sometimes 3 false starts over 2 hours before he finally goes down for the night. We've tried changing bedtime and wake windows both ways and it hasn't helped
What is the big deal with sleep training?? I see posts about mums being desperate but refuse to do sleep training. This is by no means a dig im just thinking I’ve missed something.
Any tips on how to get my baby to drink larger volumes less often. Current on 120ml every 2hrs (8am-9pm) mostly draining the bottle. Ideally like to get up to 150ml every 3 hours. Currently if I make 150ml he wouldn’t even take 120ml of it and stops at around 100ml which is a waste. On the odd occasion he does ta...
How and when did everyone transition baby from arms in to arms out when swaddling at night time? Thanks!
Is it killing anyone else?! My boy is now waking at 4/5am every morning & currently wide awake when normal bedtime is usually 7pm. We had cracked his sleep for about a month of sleeping through… now this! I need to know it ends!