Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
So I give birth in a month to my little baby girl, and I’m going to try to strictly breast-feed, I am extremely nervous as when I tried to breast-feed with my son. I was not producing enough and had to supplement with formula if any mom on here have some adviceon how they their production please let me know
My 2 week old recently has been doing small vomits usually when she’s on her back in bed , looks like she has tummy pain then vomits or gags it’s becoming more frequent Any tips or answers to why this is Shes always burped and sat up for at least 20-30 mins before put down
Anyone else’s baby fighting sleep! It’s just took me 7 hours to get her to settle! Had a 5 minute nap since 10am this morning until now
I just want to get this off of my chest as it's weighing me down, but I planned to exclusively use breastmilk, mainly through breastfeeding but also pumping. It has not gone that way at all and I'm feeling so, so guilty. First 3 days in hospital with baby were just breastfeeding, and every midwife who came in correc...
Best way to get rid of cradle cap
I EBF my 4m baby (he is big for age) how much should I pump for each bottle feed?
Does anybody else have a daughter or son that hates being in a car seat... I need some ideas to pass this little stage.
Hey! Does anyone else’s little one flap their hands ? Not just excited or mad either. I’ve had a few people say it’s autistic traits, which is fine of course I was just wondering! 🙂
I have a 2 & 4 year old and I am just about to lose it. I feel like i’m so easily irritated and lose my patience way more than i’d like to admit. How are you all dealing with mom rage and irritability?
My LG has had a snotty nose for a few days, maybe a week and it's not really effected her but last night she was up nearly every 2 hrs. She goes from happy to agitated in minutes today, she's done so many smelly nappies today, she's actually slept for longer then 30 minutes today. Managed to stay awake for an hour b...
My daughter has bronchiolitis, we are on day 3 and she's very chesty and unsettled. She's been sleeping and taking 40ml of milk every 2 hours (as per paediatrician recommendation). We are using nasal saline to keep her nose clear as well as a snot sucker to clear it. We are taking all measures to make her comfort...
Pretty sure we are in the process of dropping the nap altogether. He has managed most days recently without one to a reasonable bedtime, when he has had a nap it has been short (in the car). We've been through phases where he has seemed like he is dropping the nap before but this time seems it's for real.
Scary thing happened to me. Woke up around 5 am to fussy baby. She had a wet diaper so I changed her and then put her back. Couple minutes later she was fussy again and I know she wasn’t hungry cause I fed her 15-20 min prior. Anyways, she normally sleeps in her crib Next to our bed. This time I propped up some pi...
How are other parents coping with the never ending drag of their newborn preemie being in hospital. I consider myself fortunate that my 34 weeker was born a good weight and relatively well. She's overcome a lot so far but we keep being set back by reflux that hasn't yet responded to treatment. They keep saying "give...
I ADORE my son. But between the constant hitting, throwing, tantrums, crying, destroying things, demanding food, rejecting food and generally causing chaos I am finding this age (15 months) the hardest yet. Anyone else? (I’m also 8 weeks pregnant with no. 2 which may not be helping as my energy levels are through th...
I am looking for a new car seat for my little girl she is between 10/11 kg and about 75cm. My budget is £200. I preferably would need a more compact seat if possible but not super fussed
My boy has gone from sleeping in his cot all night to sleeping the first hour or two and then crying to get into bed with me(even then he’s still pretty restless)! It’s been since the end of October. Is anyone going through the same and come out the other side? I feel like it’s a regression which has turned into the...
Anyone else suffer with bacne? I don’t suffer with it when I’m not pregnant.. just wondering if anyone has used anything to help it or do you just leave it alone?
My baby is sick constantly as keeps catching his sisters nursery germs 😢 current illness involves lots of coughing when he’s asleep - he’s having very short naps but only having two a day still !! And is up for hours overnight coughing secretions. I’ve tried holding him upright, propping him up with pillows, olbas…
My 9 week old is combi feeding on demand and currently drinks 120ml formula approx every 2 hours during the day and topped up with breastfeeding. Sometimes stops at the 90ml mark. According to Google a typical 9 week old should be having 150-180ml 4-5 times a day. Of course you need to give your baby what they req...