Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Our one month old was a Nicu baby but now after almost a month he’s home. He does like bassinet or crib and only wants to sleep on me. Which I love but mama needs sleep too! Advice?!


How often is your 8 month old drinking breast milk/formula

My little one eats approx every three hours however, the last two days she’s been spitting up which she doesn’t usually. Also, sounds like a bit of reflux… Thinking I should space out her feedings a bit more. Curious how often others after feeding their littles.


Waking in the night !

Last few months 3 year old has been waking a lot in the night keeps crying and crying for no reason and I’m losing patience being 36 weeks pregnant. She used to sleep so well and now she doesn’t. She’s also really sensitive about anything, like if she had a trip at nursery and it’s a little dot of cut she will cry a...


Venting partners

I don’t know where to start. I have two daughters. I mess up and I don’t remember what really happened. And I’ve been taking responsibility for stuff that I don’t even know what happened. I just hear a stories. Then it doesn’t help me and I put myself in a situation where I need help.


Wtf is going on

Been trying to get little boy down since 7pm.. it's now 1:30am!!! Every time I think he's asleep and put him down (in my bed as we co-sleep) he wakes up crying. Treats the five minute cat nap as a full nap and kickstarts another full wake window. WTF is he doing I'm so tired... 🥱


Language & Gestures

How many of your littles have words and gestures? Our pediatrician made a huge deal about of my son’s lack of mimicking waving/pointing. We have 2 words and 1 gesture!


Have you ever let your baby (under 6 months) lie on their front to sleep?

Or anytime before it was deemed safe to do so regarding their head control? Baby is 8wks and won't sleep unless on their front the past 2 days. Screams murder otherwise. Last night, I had about 2hrs sleep and that was only from 8-10AM even though I was in bed at 9pm previously. I can't do it again tonight. He sleeps...


Does Aptamil cause constipation

My baby is 12 weeks.she breastfeeds and recently started taking formula (Aptamil) we recently ran out of Aptamil and got cow and gate the premed bottle just one to try and she immediately opened her bowels. She’s back on Aptamil now and breast milk but seems like she’s constipated, she’s fussy, straining to poo and ...



Hey all! Are you little ones starting a new feisty type behavior all of a sudden?? The mornings she’s great and then afternoon/evenings, she’s been acting very frustrated and throwing little tantrums. Only thing that I can attribute it to is that she’s started walking with holding just one hand of mine and maybe she...


Does anyone use Phillip Advent natural flow bottles?

I use these bottles with my son and he’s two months old and using the size 1 nipples… idk if I should be worried but by now he should be using size 3 right? But even the 2 is too fast for him… I think. He doesn’t choke using them per se but it does end up all over his neck and face. He drinks pretty slowly with the ...



First time mama how many bottles will be need to be enough? I plan to mainly bottle feed ! Thank you .


1yr old

Is your one year old talking” or saying words or phrases or sentences??


Waking u multipul times a night

My 9 month old wakes up multiple times a night crying, I'm not sure what we're doing wrong or missing he has one bottle a night around 3am if he wakes before that we give him water to drink why won't he stay asleep like he use too, I need my sleep back



Anyone have a 13 month old with constipation and can give me tips on how to encourage her to drink juice and her miralax? She get breastmilk in a sippy cup 3 times a day. Always offered water but maybe drinks 4-5 ounces a day total. (I know it’s not enough, but can’t tube feed her) Dr gave the ok to give her 2 oun...



Anyone else having extreme difficulty after birth. I have been getting so sad and just sit here crying over everything. I’m so grateful for my son and I love him so much but the other half of me wishes I would have waited and I wasn’t ready to have a child and give up my time. I feel like I can’t do anything and I’m...


Breastfeeding frustration

I think the hardest (and most beautiful) part of early motherhood for me is breastfeeding. Nothing causes me to stress out and emotional like breastfeeding. The constant worry about whether my supply is enough for my baby, whether his latch is correct, why he’s falling asleep after only nursing for 5 minutes, why he...


Fussy 5 month old

Hi moms! My LO is 5 months and a half and lately she has been a little fussy ball even after being fed or after naps. She is also fighting nap time more now. I’m thinking she’s teething and she might be in pain? Could it be something else? It’s getting harder to entertain her during her wake periods 😭😄 just…



Hi! FTM here. I’m looking for thoughts on more expensive v more affordable diapers. Anyone feel like the more expensive ones are worth the price tag? What’s your experience been?


Formula Feeding

Hello Mamas, I have been exclusively breastfeeding for 4 months. My supply has been going down. I pumped 2 oz. total today. My baby is drinking 5oz. I start work in February and have no supply frozen for childcare. I’m going to start formula feeding. I feel so guilty though. Does anyone else feel guilty for stoppin...


Fussy on the boob

I’m ebf and my lo had been so fussy today- she’s going for the nipple but then pulling away and not taking a deep latch. At the same time she’s kicking her legs, raising her arm and being vocal - has anyone else had this? I’m not sure what she’s trying to tell me! She’s 4 weeks old.


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