Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Just venting!! Usually me and my mil get on very well But she has no privacy!! I told her I was pregnant with my first and she went and told everyone I specifically asked her not to reveal the gender to anyone - yet she still did that Now I’m pregnant with my second and she saw me vomitting and badgered me into ...
My little one is almost 3 weeks old. When he cries for long periods - and nothing is working to settle him (fed, changed, cuddles burped etc) I find myself getting so overwhelmed and overstimulated by the crying. I don’t put him and down and leave him because I know that just won’t help! My husband is so calm and n...
I feel so ashamed. Every day when I make meals, my 18 month old son is crying for me to pick him up, and I’m just trying to get it quickly made so everyone gets fed. Our cat is really greedy and jumps up and tries to take all the food. So I’m trying to quickly manage toddler and cat, with all the noise. And today...
Has anyone else suffered from this? I have just finished therapy for pp anxiety and I really don’t want to have to go back but I’m so scared of myself at the moment, this is not me and I am struggling to control it.. my baby is absolutely safe with me but I’ve started throwing things and screaming into my pillow ove...
I really need a gentle feedback. I feel like a horrible mother… just had an argument ( yelling and name calling) with my partner in front of our 3 month old daughter. And I feel so horrible. It’s the first time this ever happened, but I feel like an immature child for not stopping it instead of egging it on.
I have such anxiety about my baby getting ill, its driving me mad. I’m so scared of something awful happening to her if she gets ill. How can i stop this feeling? I am so careful, i clean everything, i am very careful about visitors etc. i’m terrified 😢
Hey mamas🫶, when does baby hair start coming through curly , me and my partner have really thick curly hair and baby is 3months and his hair is quite thin and straighttttttt lol! 🤨😅😩 Will it change ? Thank you x
Hey ladies, i am in absolutely bits this morning. Me and my partner are on the verge of our 4 and half year relationship breaking down. I feel sick to my stomach about it all. The worst thing is I can't imagine being a single mum and bringing up my baby alone. I can't even begin to imagine how it will impact her en...
How would you ladies feel if everytime you dropped your baby off for visitation, your baby would cry as soon as they seen their dad? It bothers me every time and raises concerns . It’s like as soon as my baby sees him, the tears come instantly 😭😢 it can’t be separation anxiety because my baby goes to everyone else…
Hello ladies I’m a first time mom and was diagnosed with ppd. It hasn’t gotten better and Dr wants me on Anti depressants. Does this extend my pregnancy disability or how does that work? Can someone explain?
Anyone else suffer from anxiety about leaving the house? I’m overthinking when taking her out, haven’t gone to any restaurants / cafes with her (unless it’s during her sleep time in the carrier) as worried she will scream the place down. We’ve had a few hospital appointments and she cried so much the doctor let me g...
I’m in between a rock and a hard place mentally. I’m a sahm with 1child and 1 toddler. I’m currently going through a lot of anxiety due to health issues and iv previously felt with this in the postpartum period. But my body is on the Frits in a way both physically and mentally. My husband has a hobby that takes h...
I feel like a bad mom because I feel guilty. My baby was awake 5 hrs and finally went to sleep for bedtime. Just me?
i have a 17 month old daughter from a previous relationship and my partner has a 4 year old, also from a previous relationship. i met him when my little one was about 9/10 months old and he took her in as his own from the moment he met her. we have a healthy and happy relationship and love our little blended family....
Hi I’m kinda scared making this post because I know some people can be really mean and straight edge which is not what I’m looking for . I just want advice from someone who gets the struggle I’m facing . To preface I am a 22 ftm and I have always struggled with really bad debilitating anxiety . I’m a bit of a people...
How much hair is too much to lose? I’m absolutely devastated every time I brush or wash my hair 😓 I had extremely thin hair before and it’s now coming out in lumps like this. Does anyone have any tips to help my hair stay healthy? Or slow down the hair loss? I’m taking moringa, postnatal vitamins and collagen…
Can anyone relate? I had a third trimester loss with twin girls in 2021, obviously traumatic experience. I’ve since gone on to have a son (2.5yrs), planned and a daughter (1yrs) surprise. My feelings towards my son are so strong, my heart hurts how much I love him, he can’t do no wrong. He is literally the most p...
Looking for words of wisdom of experienced wifeys This is our second year being parents. Have been together for 7. We always had a pretty much perfect relationship and I feel postpartum has brought the worst in our relationship. I am healthy, no ppd, but have a history of trauma from a previous relationship. Coun...
Lately I just can’t stop thinking about how precious he is to me and how I couldn’t exist without him… I love him so much that sometimes I just look at him and feel terrified at all the dangers out there in the world and all the things I can’t predict 💔
I have a 11yr old that lies so much idk what to do but I had recently put her in majorette because that's what she loved to do is dance well over thanksgiving holiday she stole some thing from her aunties house and then she embarrassed me so bad one night at her majorette practice calling me the b word etc so I cal...