Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I am really struggling with my little girl (born July 2021) since my new baby was born in August 😫 she has literally had a change in personality and I feel awful. She has about 50 meltdowns a day for NO reason but it’s always when I’m holding the baby. She’s kicking hitting etc. I still make 1 on 1 time with her…
Long story short I have an extremely overbearing and controlling mum I always have. She’s gotten worse since I had the baby, always making decisions about his feeding, changing, routine. I’ve set boundaries and we’ve had major blow ups about it but she constantly does it again. I’m exhausted and don’t know what to ...
I gave birth to my twin boys on November 20. God knows how much me and my husband love them, but it’s just so hard to take care of them even though I consider myself lucky with all the help we’re getting from our families, because I can even have some time for myself. The boys are also not super fussy and we love to...
I’ve just lost my mum and I’m completely heartbroken. I have a 12 week old and I’m struggling to know how the hell im supposed to be a good mummy right now. Please share tips and advice. I know my situation is probably as worst as it’s ever going to get from a sadness level but I just don’t get how to do this. Pe...
Has anyone still not had sex almost 1 year postpartum? We’ve tried 3 times this week and I just cannot do it at all I instantly just go all tense which I’ve never done before having my baby. I feel awful because we want to have another baby and I just can’t bring myself to have sex with my husband
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this or might have an idea what ms happening…. I have already asked my doctor and she just said she doesn’t know. I am 7 weeks post c-section and I keep getting severe cramping a couple of hours before I have a bowel movement and whilst having a bowel movement and also on ur...
So my partner and I have been together for going on four years and my MIL didn’t have any problems with me in the beginning of our relationship and then everything changed one day when my partner was over at her house and had asked me to come and pick him up. Since that day she called me names like a b**ch a wh**e a...
Dealing with ppd, my 6 mo and 2 yo see me crying constantly. It just makes me even more sad 😔
I definitely think I’m getting ppd I don’t know where to go for help. Should I wait for my 6 weeks follow up and wait for a referral to see a therapist ? I just don’t want people thinking I’m crazy or that i need to be watched 24/7 because I might hurt my baby you know? Because I would never no matter how frustrated...
Is anyone elses post partum hair loss bad? My hair never fell out after my boys, but since having my girl im loosing clumps of hair daily I have naturally thick hair but its never been as thin as it is now and loads is still coming out
I’m struggling, I’m a FTM with a nearly 5 month old and I can barely get out of bed unless it’s to tend to her needs (bathing, playmat/tummy time, feeding etc) apart from that I don’t want to move, I’m on anti-depressants and I just feel this overwhelming feeling of regret for bringing my daughter into this world an...
What are some things that helped you physically / emotionally to care for your new born and keep your sanity?
Hey lovelies! This is a bit of a big thing for me and I know it’s only hair and it will grow back but it’s a massive part of my identity. With my first born (little boy) I lost hair but it wasn’t this bad now with my second born ( little girl) I am losing so much hair it’s crazy! I only went for a shower and I clogg...
My little boy is two in January. Am I supposed to be pulling back his foreskin to clean underneath?? I was always told not to as a baby and I just haven’t thought about it since. I’m so embarrassed if I should have been 🫣 it’s just from a conversation with another mother that I thought omg should I be? No…
I’m I the only one in this boat? 😅 She can deal for 15 minutes but then gets fussy and wants to get out. She cries to the point of a full blown meltdown. We have to pull over multiple times to calm her. It’s been a challenge visiting family that lives 30 minutes away. I can admit it’s given me anxiety to drive with…
FTM just shy of 35 weeks and I still haven’t felt very many Braxton Hicks… is that cause for concern? I have felt my belly tighten a bit on a few occasions, but I haven’t felt anything that feel like “practice contractions.”
Our little girls behaviour is getting so hard to manage. She’s been having extreme meltdowns since 9 months which involves only attacking me (mum), headbanging, screaming with no tears and throwing herself around. It’s getting worse and worse and I feel like I’m at breaking point. There’s no reasoning with her, it’s...
Just venting!! Usually me and my mil get on very well But she has no privacy!! I told her I was pregnant with my first and she went and told everyone I specifically asked her not to reveal the gender to anyone - yet she still did that Now I’m pregnant with my second and she saw me vomitting and badgered me into ...
My little one is almost 3 weeks old. When he cries for long periods - and nothing is working to settle him (fed, changed, cuddles burped etc) I find myself getting so overwhelmed and overstimulated by the crying. I don’t put him and down and leave him because I know that just won’t help! My husband is so calm and n...
I feel so ashamed. Every day when I make meals, my 18 month old son is crying for me to pick him up, and I’m just trying to get it quickly made so everyone gets fed. Our cat is really greedy and jumps up and tries to take all the food. So I’m trying to quickly manage toddler and cat, with all the noise. And today...