Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Husband does not understand my hormonal mood swings. Like I can’t help but cry or randomly get angry he has no empathy for me. I wish someone could witness it then talk sense into him to just stop fighting and yelling at me. I want to be in a safe soft environment before baby comes. Was anybody else’s husband a comp...
i can now say, toddlerhood and life have defeated me. it’s time for antidepressants and disassociation.
So today, my partner and I got the news that my one month old daughter has a hole in her heart and has been diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect, and I genuinely just feel so overwhelmed by everything that they told us. We've got to minimise contact with people because if she was to get ill, then she would r...
I gave birth at 37 weeks pregnant which is honestly not crazy early but I was not prepared, I have been crying a lot because it feels like I’m missing something in my body and I feel crazy for it. I love my baby so much, when I look at him I feel so much joy and love it’s something I never felt before but when I’m ...
I'm over 2 months in and I still get thoughts that I miss my old life and I regret having a baby. I feel terribly bad about it but know it is not uncommon. When did these thoughts stop for you?
How do mothers of multiples manage n my DCDA twins are nearly 6 months and after losing a close relative in sudden grief and being diagnosed with postpartum depression day to day sometimes feel hellish. They are majorly attached to me and our bond is something I cannot describe but I struggle mentally, and I’m so s...
Do you all take your babies to baby groups? We go to a class a week and other than that we play a lot at home, go for walks, see family etc. I get anxious about going and not knowing anyone but starting to feel mum guilt that I should be taking my baby to socialise them etc. Any advice to help me get over this?
It’s just been one too many sleepless nights :’( I’m a single mum with very little help :’( I live with my parents so its it’s sometimes really tough when they put extreme pressure on me with her. My health visitor and every other adult human in my life knows I’m non stop with her ! I love her so much and it’s so wo...
Anyone else’s nearly 8 month old very whingy? Everyone I put her down she has a mental breakdown, only wants to be held for 5-10 mins but whinges again? I used to be able to leave her for 2 mins but she’s so whingy at the minute. I know they go through separation anxiety but this is something else 💤
I’m almost five weeks postpartum with my only-just October 24 baby (he arrived two weeks early on Halloween!) and had a forcep delivery, episiotomy and second degree tear. When I’ve been checked at appointments since I’ve been told that I’m healing well and there’s no sign of infection but I keep having shooting p...
My LG will be 8 months on Thursday and is seriously struggling with teething and separation anxiety. I can’t leave the room for a second without her crying and even when I come back it takes a while to calm for down as she get herself so worked up. Generally she’s happy and thankfully she sleeps well but the days at...
Hey everyone, i know it's normal but i feel as if im failing all the time because my toddler is super jealous of her 8 month old baby sister, i feel like I've tried everything, i honestly wanted more babies but now i don't think so, i feel like it's not fair to my 2 year old, we don't have any family that helps o...
Hi everyone, this is a difficult thing for me to post but I’m really struggling being a mum. My baby is 13 months old and is lovely most of this time but I’m really struggling with being a good mum. I see everyone else talk about how much they love spending time with their baby or wanting another baby and all I can ...
My husband and my sisters keep telling me I need to stop breastfeeding and make me feel so shit and pressured to do so. I plan to stop when she’s 2 (she’s currently 19 months) but my sister said the other day that it’s embarrassing to carry on past a certain age. (she’s not a mum) I’m so annoyed by these comments - ...
Background for context: My ex and I are currently going back and forth with our attorneys for custody. Our daughter is almost 3 months old now. I left him at almost 30 weeks pregnant. He was very emotionally/verbally abusive, but there are a couple of things that I'm wondering if they another kind of abuse other tha...
At how many weeks old did you start going out with your baby? My baby is 5 weeks old, and every time we try to go outside, she starts crying. 😢 Even if I put her in the stroller after she falls asleep, she wakes up and starts crying again. I’m afraid to go anywhere now. My partner and I have tried a few times, but…
Almost 36 weeks pregnant with a 2 and 3 year old. They’re both usually very good but at the moment they’re not listening to me at all. Whenever I ask them not to do something they just laugh at me. Im also suffering with PGP so I think they know I can’t move very quickly to stop them doing something they shouldn’t ...
Well I’ve just found out I’m almost 8 weeks pregnant with baby no.2, I’m just reaching out to see if anyone has experienced guilt? I’m trying to move past it as I know it’ll be an adjustment period for my first born but the pros will outweigh the cons of making him a sibling eventually, but I can’t help feeling guil...
Now that my daughter is a year old, I thought I’d feel ready to have another baby. But I almost feel the opposite: motherhood is so much harder than I expected it and even with mental health help I don’t feel like I’m coping well. My husband has said he’s sad we may never have another because he doesn’t think I’m me...
Hi all! I’m 39 weeks and have no signs of labor, don’t think I’ve experienced any Braxton hicks and my last appt at 37 weeks the midwife said he hasn’t dropped into my pelvis yet. I try and stay active and walk a lot, any tips on what I can do to get him to engage? I’d love for him to get here around his due date as...