Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
On Saturday, I will be travelling with my LO and husband abroad. The flights will be 4 hours layover for 3 hours before the final destination 4 hours. Now my LO is super active , she won't keep still in one place. I find she gets bored quickly. I'm absolutely beginning to get anxious because even though my husband ...
I actually cannot stop crying. I never used to be emotional at all but 4 PP and oh my god…I absolutely cried my eyes out at I’m a celeb when Barry did the spinning challenge incase he didn’t win any stars (I am actually welling up just thinking about this now 😂) and don’t even get me started on how fast they grow…
Hey I’m a first time mum my pregnancy wasn’t the best I did it alone and have been alone since I only have 1 friends and she doesn’t have a baby and feel like she doesn’t understand me at all. I feel so alone all the time I feel depressed all the time I feel like I’m doing a shit job of being a mum. I still haven’...
I had a second degree tear through my perineum but while I’ve been stitched ‘back together’ it just doesn’t look the same down there. My perineum looks like it’s reduced in length by about half, and I can see so much more of the tissue beneath my vagina opening than I did before. I’m just gutted. Is there anyone els...
I saw this post on Facebook and I thought it’s a really good idea. I feel like this group is a safe space so if you want too, add to the comments something that been playing on your mind or you are struggling with that has been bothering you and want to get off your chest! Nobody is going to judge! I’ll go firs...
I did have a csection so you’d think nothing changed but something did!! I’m like a waterfall now it feels amazing. There must be a science behind it I can’t be the only one
Is anyone struggling with their firstborn? I know that sounds silly but since having my second at the end of oct, my patience is running low sometimes with my firstborn. She is 3 and wanting to help lots but also doing challenging things to gain my attention, for the most part she is a really good girl and im v luc...
Does anyone else feel down around this time of year? It feels multiplied now that I’m expecting again. Everything is overwhelming right now and life feels stagnant. I’ve lost my sense of self and it feels impossible to enjoy the “most wonderful time of the year.” I wanna get out and do things or meet with moms on he...
She doesn’t even sleep unless with me so I can’t even do it after she goes to bed or naps. It’s just me all the time. ☹️ she often screams in the carrier unless sleeping and then I can’t do much so baby wearing isn’t really an option
Is anyone else suddenly sprouting extra hair in random places? My belly is looking particularly fluffy these days. And I’ve plucked a few dark hairs from my neck which were never there before! Pregnancy is so fun 😂
I'm really worried, I have completely lost my libido after the birth. I had a c section. I have tried to explore by myself but feel nothing, no desire and no interest to orgasm at all. It's like I'm disconnected from my sexual self. I'm 11 weeks pp. Will I ever have sex/enjoy again? Is this normal?
What are the chances of me being pregnant again after having unprotected sex 6 weeks post partum. Had my period a week before this (5 weeks post partum)
My 5 month fell off the couch, a little over a foot high onto hard wood. So far I’ve googled and I think she is okay! But I still worry, and obviously feel like shit that I let it happen. Anyone else have a fall recently?
Can a psychiatrist extend your disability at Kaiser? I spoke with the mental health manager today since I asked for a referral to seek a psychiatrist on my own since they weren’t wanting to write me off of work due to my Postpartum depression, she mentioned that the psychiatrist was able to do that but when I spoke...
So I had messaged my bds second bm and we were talking, just having a simple conversation comparing notes about what our bd had told us about each other and whatnot and so this is what my bd says to me after he finds out he’s been caught in so many lies 🥱
Anyone else diagnosed with delivery PTSD and pregnant again ? This time I'm going for a planned c section since I had an emergency c section 2 years ago come march. I wasn't given any tips on recovery or anything. I'm trying to be optimistic going into this and avoiding my fears by going planned but I could use all ...
Is anyone starting to feel really self conscious about their hair loss? I look like I'm getting a receding hair line and it's really getting me down. My hair is really dark so it's very obvious. I'm starting to not want to go. I thought it was meant to improve around this time but I feel mine is getting worse 😭
I know I would never hurt my children. Toddler and 8 mo th old. I also have a dog. I love them all to bits and do anything for them but some days I find myself so angry and in a rage. On these days I do shout. Mainly at the dog as he barks and jumps at people. But I then hate myself as I don't want to teach my kid...
I’m 32+1 and last night I woke up to the worst pain in one side of my pelvis, I thought it could be braxton hicks but it threw me off because everywhere online said braxton hicks are usually painless? this pain was so bad I wasn’t able to talk through it, it wore off after a minute or two and I was able to get back ...
Can your teeth be beyond repair? Like implants be declined and grafting etc be declined due to bad teeth? My teeth are so bad due to years of neglect due to severe depression. I don’t really want to get into it, and I know I will get comments about depression has no effect on looking after oral health. But it does. ...