Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Postpartum hair loss

Help! Is this normal for postpartum hairloss? My baby is 7 months old and I also have a 3 year old. My hair is so thin and brittle and constantly falls out. This pic is after washing and brushing my hair😭😫


Phantom cries

Does anyone else still experience phantom cries? I get it so often and I'm worried that it could also be schizophrenia as there are a few family members on my mum's side that suffer from it. Should I be concerned or is anyone else still hearing crying


Anxiety / Depression

Looking for some advice? Support? Experiences? … to be honest I’m not really sure. I am 8 weeks postpartum. My baby is a gem. So chill and relaxed and really not fussy about anything (I’m beyond grateful for these things). My partner has a history of anxiety and depression and about 2 weeks ago was put off work a...


Is this normal?

I’m 4 almost 5w pp (via C-section) & I’m not in any pain and my scar isn’t visible, incision is healed. Is it normal to have a bothersome feeling? Almost discomfort if that makes sense.. also my little mom pouch sits on my incision and it feels like that puts a weight on it that also bothers me. Idk if I’m making an...


Unsettled in nursery

Looking for advice on how to help my baby settle in nursery. We had our settle sessions in October and it went so-so, but the nursery told me that once my LO learns the routine it will get better. We are now one month in. In the first two weeks she was out with infection so not many opportunities to get used to the ...


Trying to hold it together with BD

My BD and I have a 4month old, our communication has become so poor. We are living apart for the second time in our 4year relationship because we just can’t communicate. He blames me for all of our issues and never takes accountability. So everytime he gets frustrated about something he will talk at length about how...


I need to know what to do

PLEASE help idk what to do my family keep taking my child away and keep weaponizing Mental wards psych wards and mental hospitals . MY MOTHER is a professional Gaslighter and a professional Manipulator 😫 I have ZERO people who believe in me I have ZERO people to turn to . My baby father no help my other family…


Should I ask for a different HV?

I've had my HV since before I gave birth and I'm getting extra appointments due to a history of mental health issues. At first I thought I'd really appreciate the support but the person they send is not all that ... competent... her advice is outdated and goes against NHS guidance (telling me to put things in baby's...


Does it get easier

I’m seriously struggling with being a mum and often cry everyday. I’m not good at coping with even the little things and am wondering why I had a baby. Does this get any easier? Will it get easier when I go back to work as I won’t be dealing with the struggles all day long? I sometimes think my partner and baby woul...


Postpartum hair loss

I’ve started losing hair in clumps. I’m 3 months postpartum. I know it’s normal but it’s alarming. How long did it last for some of you all?


Advice? // please no judgement

Currently up snuggling my 11 month old while she sleeps. Found out I’m pregnant with baby #2 a little over a week ago (currently 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant) and have been nothing but conflicted ever since. A part of me is so happy and excited because my babies will grow up so close with one another which is somethi...


Postpartum anxiety

My baby is almost 2 weeks and I have had really bad anxiety since his was born. When he cries I’m being sick and when he’s quiet I’m thinking about what could go wrong. Is this normal at this stage or should I speak to my GP?


First sex pp

This might be a bit tmi but i need to tell someone because I am in shock 😂 I have just had sex for the first time 7 weeks PP and let me tell you that was the best sex ever. I was so weary of my new body and my stretch marks and saggier boobs but honestly I have never felt passion like it. Hes made me feel so loved…


Post partum hair loss

I'm balding 😭 What do I do?!


Is it postpartum depression or is my life crazy?

I have 3 daughters ages 7,6,4 and I just had my son 2 weeks ago. My 6 yr old has been having behavior issues in school consistently since 1st grade started. She yells and screams at her teachers she even hits them. She elops from the classroom and her favorite thing to say is "everyone hates me, nobody likes me" idk...


Friend breakup

I’ve never really had close friends that stuck all my life. I finally made a friend that was very similar to me and had a kid close in age to mine back in September 2023. We spent a lot of time together and texted a decent amount. We helped each other being a shoulder to cry on when needed it felt like. We haven’t d...


Prenatal depression

Second trimester with twins, and I have been crying a lot. The holidays are extremely tough for me this year. Can anyone else relate?



My friend just had her baby a week ago and was kind enough to share her birth story with me! 🫶🏼 She shared upon her arrival to the hospital she received morphine and then another pain med that she couldn’t remember but made her nauseous. (Started with an S?) She stated she received the epidural but could still…


I am panicking to travel with my 17-month LO...

On Saturday, I will be travelling with my LO and husband abroad. The flights will be 4 hours layover for 3 hours before the final destination 4 hours. Now my LO is super active , she won't keep still in one place. I find she gets bored quickly. I'm absolutely beginning to get anxious because even though my husband ...


Is anyone else an emotional mess?

I actually cannot stop crying. I never used to be emotional at all but 4 PP and oh my god…I absolutely cried my eyes out at I’m a celeb when Barry did the spinning challenge incase he didn’t win any stars (I am actually welling up just thinking about this now 😂) and don’t even get me started on how fast they grow…


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