Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I am so scared it’s going to get worse. Anyone else having this happen? I’m scared I’m gonna need a trip to Turkey.
I tried antidepressants (fluoxetine and citalalpam) when I was younger and I ended up going off them because the side effects were too much for me to handle. I didn't really give them a chance to work. I have decided to try fluoxetine (prozac) again because I am really suffering with my mental health and I want to ...
I feel so guilty for doing it in front of the baby. I can’t stop crying. I don’t want to traumatise the baby. My husband makes me so angry I’m struggling to control my anger. Tips please.
Had my beautiful daughter last year, and was discharged on Christmas Day. My partner then spent all day celebrating Christmas with his family (parents, and brothers) and didn’t come back till after 8pm.. while I had just got back with our daughter that morning (with him), however he then left us to have Christmas w...
This kinda goes for all new mums I guess, I'm just speaking from a c section perspective. But does anyone else feel like what they've been through (birth wise) has been completely forgotten about by their other half? :/ I'm 6 weeks post section, and I just feel like everything my body has done for bringing my LG int...
Anyone's mom jealous of Your baby? My mother acts like my child doesn't hit any goals or achieve anything unless it's around her. I just posted how my baby girl started saying not just dada but mama now and she sent me a snap saying how she can't do that yet and how my baby can say grandma and how she said it in fr...
Has anyone feeling emotional? I feel like I am just sad for no reason and today my partner got fed up of it, it looks like and started judging me for being sad saying I should be more grateful. I even said to him I don’t want to see him again and looks like he took it on board,I can’t handle him when I am feeling em...
I am prone to preterm labour and it’s been said my cervix are short and could lead to preterm labour however I want to be intimate with my partner but scared it’ll induce labour as I have a history of preterm delivery. Any advice on what to do?
Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice, my baby is now 4 months old. My husband and I tried for a long time for baby and during my pregnancy there were some scares and complications but baby was born healthy and we are very lucky. However, I am struggling with anxiety at the thought of leaving him with anyone e...
Has anyone else struggled with ab separation (or diastis recti) since birth? I can get my belly down mostly through excercise but the gap doesn't seem to heal, i'm thinking of getting it checked out, does anyone happen to know if surgery is sometimes needed for this kind of thing? Or if i should try more excercise??
Any recommendations on how to help hair loss. Bubba is 4 months old, and my hormones have dropped, so a lot of my hair is now falling out 🥲
Does anyone else constantly just have thoughts going around in your head that your not doing enough or am I just going crazy i feel guilty if my baby is laid on her play mat playing and looking at her toys as I think I should be doing more with her or if I do abit of washing up or cleaning I feel guilty.. or this mo...
Anyone else just being so short tempered, beyond irritable, and easily annoyed with the people around them, which just so happen to be my children for the most part. I feel absolutely awful for it and so bad, especially after I put them to bed, but I don’t have it in me to tolerate any nonsense or attitude whatsoev...
Is anyone else struggling with pelvic floor muscles after birth? I’m over 3 weeks pp and feel like its just not strong enough down there to do the pelvic floor exercise, like its not benefiting me just yet. For reference I have a 2nd degree tear and i’ve had an episiotomy - is or has anyone else experienced this? Mi...
hi girlies, how long did it take after giving birth for you to feel confident in your body? any tips for not being too hard on yourself? 🩷
Me and partner have been together 3 years. I have a 7 year old daughter from a previous relationship who he is just the best stepdad to. We've recently had a baby boy together in Jan this year. Everything was fine I'd say until our boy was born. Backstory is in 2016 I lost a daughter and 32 weeks due to preeclamps...
Has pregnancy made anyone else more emotional? I feel like I cry all the time. I don’t even know why I am crying half the time. I came home from a lovely day spent with my mum wedding dress shopping, then I did a Tesco shop and as soon as I walked through my front door my partner told me our builders finished toda...
If you or your partner have bipolar disorder, do you feel triggered when the baby cries? Yesterday, I noticed my husband being a bit aggressive with our 15-day-old baby. He was changing her diaper, and she was crying a lot because she has colic. When he was done, he picked her up in a way that was so aggressive it s...
Has anyone ever been put on Depakote for Bipolar Disorder or any other mood stabilizers? What were your experiences I know everyone is different but just curious since I’ll be starting once I’m done breastfeeding. Thank you!
Hello Mamas, Please share tips if you had minimal or first degree tear. What did you do differently or what helped ? I am so scared of tearing. Everybody I know had third or fourth degree tear. I have heard of warm compress and massage. Does it really help? Any other tips?