Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Neighbor from hell

What would you do??? My neighbor - triggers me. So, I completely stopped talking to her. I say hello and bye when I see her- to be polite ... that's it. I don't want her child playing with my child. So I avoid them as best as I can. She feels bothered about this so she says offensive things sometimes - Ind...


Starting Over

My family is in a situation where we are looking at starting over completely. And I mean, leaving everything but the necessities behind and what we might be able to fit in the trunk of our car. I know it might seem silly or vain or materialistic, but the idea of leaving all of our belongings behind physically hurts....


Emotional/tearing up loads

I am getting a bit worried because I’m still being very emotional and I tear up quite often like most days I’d say. Especially when I look at my baby because I just have so much love for her but also if I’m watching something and it’s not even a sad scene but if it makes me feel emotional, I just start almost crying...


Pregnancy ball exercises

I’m now 30 weeks and in so much pain with my back and pelvis. Is it too soon to start using the pregnancy ball to see if that helps? I forgot to ask my midwife today Thanks in advance ❤️


When say no

So my daughter 15 years old with mild autism called me saying she wasn’t feeling good she started with cramps since yesterday but she was ok this morning so she called saying that she was feeling terrible so I said I will bring you some pain medicine and snacks to help with it she refused she wants me to pick her up...


TTC post miscarriage❤️

My partner and I lost our first baby in September and finally feel ready to try again. We are super excited but it’s just so scary! Our loss was very complex due to many factors, one of which being the hospital treating us horrifically. We have just finished the complaints process with them and had our response lett...


Mental health and anxiety

I had an emergency c section after 3 days of attempted induction. Since then, I have a lot of anxiety, which starts creeping in especially as evening starts. It is also bad when my baby starts crying inconsolably and wants to comfort feed continuously. I am 3 months post partum and I don't know how to handle this. I...


Mom is depressed. What should I do?

My mom is experiencing depression. She’s dealt with it on & off her whole adult life. Right now I’m offering to make dinner, drop off groceries, call, have her over our house, bring the kids to visit her house. But she’s refusing all of my offers. Which is obviously her right, but I feel like I’m not doing enough to...


Mum offering to look after baby

Has anyone else left baby with family (other than your partner) for a few hours and how did you manage to relax during it if you did? My 6 week old has been struggling with colic (diagnosed by GP) and cries quite a lot when awake. My mum is constantly offering to have her for a couple of hours so I can do my own thi...


Sex before 6 weeks

When did you all start back having sex? I will be 5 weeks postpartum on Saturday. My stitches are healed, just a little discharge. I feel ready but I’m unsure.


feeling sad

im not sure if im suffering from post natal depression but i just feel so sad and like my baby doesn’t like me. hes 4 month old and seems happier with other people compared to when hes with me. he always laughs at his dad and we went to his aunties yesterday and he was smiling at everyone when he was there. i try an...


Epidural Mamas

How long did it take to get your epidural at the hospital? I’m prepping my mind to give birth to baby boy #3. I’ve done this before but can’t help but think about the pain I’ll have to endure before getting the epidural. 😓 I’m preparing to implement some pain coping mechanisms. But anyway, how long did it take…


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Good morning ladies I know it’s early. I woke up too early. Does anyone else suffer from PMDD I’m not sure if I have it. I kind of self diagnose myself but every time I’m gonna start my period. I’m on my period. I get super depressed, anxious irritable, suicidal thoughts. I hate life. And then it slowly gets better ...


Ranting because I’m mad…

I am so mad as a mother right now. All my life I wanted to be a mom and for 13 years I struggled with infertility and only just last September did I officially have my first child. After having my child I loved him more than I ever thought I could love something and when I say I will do ANYTHING for my son I will do...


Angry as a mother

So I’ve never really hard anger issues I guess you could say. I’ve had a traumatic life but I never really found myself getting angry and yelling. However, ever since I have my second child (2 years old and 6 months) I have become such an angry person and I really don’t like it. We sleep so bad because him and my to...


Stressed trying to get to maternity leave

As a U.S. mama who is an administrator at a minority serving university, I am STRESSED. The thought of going on leave was overwhelming in normal circumstances but now I'm genuinely worried for my students. I am trying to not let this affect me physically and consequently the baby but I find myself losing sleep, anxi...


To the OP of ‘am I a bad mum’

The one that has now been deleted about getting frustrated with her toddler so she put a cloth over his face for a few seconds. I’m surprised by the responses considering so many people on here claim ‘not to judge’ yet majority of people voting ‘you’re a bad mum’ If she was a bad mum she wouldn’t have given a shi...


What do you fear most about your own death?

Postpartum got me thinking about life and death on the daily. Not religious in any way, would prefer to leave religion out of this one.


Mum guilt

I am currently in my first trimester, and my youngest has just turned 6 months. I had hyperemesis gravidarum in my last two pregnancies, and I have it again. I barely leave the house other than the school run for my older children because of how much I've been struggling with the sickness. I feel so bad for my baby ...


Intimacy with partner

I’m 4months pp, exclusively BF. I cannot bring myself to get intimate with my husband. I can tell he’s waiting for me to initiate without putting any pressure on me but it’s like that part of my brain has just switched off with no libido, don’t really know what to do xxx


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