Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

I hold so much hate inside me - am I wrong??

Just to give you context myself and my grandmother have always been really close (like go out with each other weekly etc) anyway - it was my babies 1st birthday and invited family to come (bar one of my cousins) who is extremely toxic not just with her mouth but physically. I didnā€™t want her there at the risk she wo...


In-laws šŸ«£

Hi everyone, Iā€™m unsure on what I should do. My mother in law has been very selfish towards me lately, and I feel lost. Iā€™m only 7 weeks pregnant but the stress sheā€™s adding onto me right now is crazy. Sheā€™s making decisions for me that I donā€™t want to do, and when I get mad about it Iā€™m the one in the wrong. I told...


Pregnant 11months postpartum

Iā€™ve recently just found out Iā€™m pregnant again! I have an 11 month old and was just wondering what peopleā€™s thoughts on it are and how they found the age gap? Me and my partner are both happy but Iā€™m worried about having two so young and how hard itā€™s going to be


Tampons after birth

Does anyone else struggle to use tampons postpartum? Iā€™m currently 3 months pp and used to use tampons only but now when I use them I get an awful heavy feeling down there, as if everything is about to fall out and pressure in my clit. I only get this feeling when I wear a tampon as switched to pads and itā€™s fine now


Postnatal depression ā€¦ when does it get better?

Donā€™t get me wrong I love my girls to pieces but Iā€™m finding being a parent particularly hard right now and with a PPD diagnosis itā€™s tough trying to be happy right now even through lack of trying with affirmations and self care. I have a two and a half year old and a 4 month old and my last pregnancy was hard and ...


Mother in law rant advice please

Hi, so just to start off my mother-in-law didnā€™t really bother with me during my pregnancy if anything she called me dramatic when I was suffering with morning sickness she invited herself to our gender scan and I just really donā€™t like her at this point, my baby is nearly 4 months now every time we go to her house ...


New mum friend doing things ā€˜wrongā€™ please give your adviseā€¦.

I recently made a new mum friend who is absolutely wonderful, sheā€™s so lovely and we get on amazing which is nice as I donā€™t have any other mum friends. However, she does alot of things wrongā€¦ Iā€™m never one to question peopleā€™s parenting but she does alot of things unsafely; forward facing in carrier as a newborn, w...


3rd degree tear

Experiences on recovery please?


Burning sensation in stitches

Gave birth on 23rd and was recovering so fast no pain no complications. Had 2nd degree tear. Today I pick up something heavy which mid moving it I realized my mistake but felt I am half committed so finished the move. Honestly wasnā€™t that heavy just for my current situation was too much. Like couple hour later bend ...



I donā€™t know why Iā€™m even posting really. I just need people to talk to. Iā€™m just really struggling mentally and physically, Iā€™m so drained and worn out but I just keep going. The last 2 days my 2 year old just doesnā€™t listen and hitting and throwing toys, my 8 month old is unwell with a few things and the house wor...


I need to vent/long post

I'm 24. Gen z. I've got a 2 year old toddler and am pregnant and due in September with my second. I'm married, have a job, have a decent apartment, and overall am doing ok. When I was pregnant with my 1st I worked at a daycare. At this daycare I told my boss I was pregnant and she told me not to clean the bathrooms ...


I think I'm an alcoholic.

I would say I'm honestly an alcoholic cause I drink 2-4 times a month but 1-3 of those times I get BLACK OUT/PASS OUT drunk and end up embarrassing myself and puking on the floor.. well I also am 4 months PP and my baby won't take the bottle so I breastfeed only.. even when drunk asf. I've done this several times e...


My birthday

I just wanna vent a little bit ā€¦.. It was my birthday on saturday 1/25 and i honestly didnā€™t enjoy it .. i felt pretty for the first time in a very long time but i didnā€™t enjoy it . i made my own birthday cake today and my bf sung me happy birthday and i felt good . i live with my mom and little brother also , i coo...


Post partum rage/anxiety

I know a lot of women deal with post partum rage, but lately I havenā€™t been able to get a handle on mine. Iā€™m losing my patience over every tiny thing. My dogs make me so frustrated all the time which kills me because they were my babies before my actual baby. I just feel like Iā€™m always on the verge of boiling ove...


2nd degree tears

Is someone here just like me with second degree tears? I gave birth 3 days ago and still feel some pain and lot of disconfort down there, although when I wee or poo it doesnā€™t hurt but I try to be as gentle as possible ( I didnā€™t look there as I might be scared šŸ«£) I wait for it to be healed and feel better .. do uā€¦



I am 23 weeks on Thursday with mine and my partners 9th pregnancy (had 8 losses in 3 years). My partner is going to be deployed sometime soon for 6 months. We discussed last year about him signing out, which has been discussed a lot however heā€™s not and now facing deployment abroad. Not only am I a high risk pregnan...


Baby tested positive for flu

Advice for ways to soothe, we tested postive for flu a the mom guilt I feel because there are times when itā€™s not time for a dose of her meds, and Iā€™m running out of ways to soothe her I want to cry so bad


Feel like Iā€™m spiraling

Im a month pp, breastfeeding isnā€™t going well, pumping is also stressing me out since I donā€™t produce enough, I donā€™t know if my babyā€™s eating enough because she basically sleeps all day, my delivery was a nightmare, my C-section still hurts, how my body looks horrifies me, I feel like Iā€™m failing my baby, I donā€™t ...


Breaking the trauma cycle

Idk why I feel like I need to share this. I'm not for looking for a pity party here. I was venting to a friend and she called me right away and we both just sobbed over the phone. I'm 2 under 2... motherhood is hard. Anyone else struggling with childhood trauma while raising their own children? You're not alo...


Baby become a nightmare!

My 14 month old has recently become comparable to the devil! He is honestly awful, heā€™s gone from being the happiest little man to just moaning constantly in the space of a week, I know thereā€™s a lot going on for them developmentally at this stage but is it normal for them to be like it 24/7? I feel like Iā€™m doing s...


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