Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Losing my best friend.

I'm losing my best friend of 20 years and honestly, I'm upset that I'm not more upset about it. My best friend isn't really in kids, and has no intention of having any of her own. When I got pregnant, she said she was shocked by how excited she was to be an aunt (literal and honorary, as her husband and my partner ...


Postpartum depression lasting longer than a year?

To cut things short, I am currently sobbing in the living room whilst my 15 month old toddler and husband are fast asleep. I feel that I still haven’t fully come out of PPD. My MIL is the reason I ended up with PPD and out of respect I bottled up my feelings for so long and faked it till it went away but I am having...


First period postpartum

When did you all get your first period postpartum?


Don’t want to see anyone

My little boy is 3 months and I don’t want anyone to come round and see us. I avoid it like the plague. The only person I don’t mind seeing is my partners mum. I feel numb but I’m already on 100mg sertraline for 2 years now due to depression and anxiety pre baby so I don’t know what the GP can offer me 🤷‍♀️ there’s…


Jealous of my sisters birth experience

Firstly I would like to say I love being a mum and my LO is the best thing that has ever happened to me, but for a number of reasons I really struggled first the first year. I had a horrible birth, had to spend weeks in hospital on my own due to baby having jaundice, poor healthcare experience with aftercare from mi...


Sex after baby and marrage

My little one is 19 months and we got married when she was 8 months old and now I just never seem to want to have sex with my husband ive never really been that bothered with sex any way but like he keeps sort of hinting that he's wanting it but now I just feel disgusted by the thought of it and I just want to sleep...


Is it ok to seek help from your GP if you're struggling as a mum?

I'm a first time mum to a beautiful boy who I Iove more than anything, but I am struggling with anxiety and stress and as a result, I'm finding it difficult to not be angry or resentful of my husband. We've spoken openly about it and I've told my husband I want to see my GP for help. However, he thinks I shouldn't...


Room mate stage

Anyone else find themselves in a room mate stage with their partners since having a baby? How do you get out of it? As I’m seriously considering leaving as I can’t take it anymore. I’ve already got depression and anxiety that took a year to diagnose


Anxious to leave the house

My baby is 4 weeks old and I’ve all of a sudden in the last week or so, I’ve developed a fear of leaving the house. The thought of leaving the house just gives me severe anxiety and I just make any excuse not to. “Oh it’s too cold…it’s going to rain… there’s no point getting her dressed for a 15 minute walk…” I fe...


Antidepressants and pregnancy

I have been on escitalopram for over a year now but have stopped when found out I was pregnant, but I’m really suffering I’m very emotional irritated mood swings my anger is through the roof. Did anyone else take there’s through pregnancy ?


Advice for dealing with narcissist mom: how would you deal with this

My mom is entitled, treats me like a child and she DOESNT respect boundaries. It’s sad because we use to be close when I was a child, I felt safety in my mom, she was always mean at times I guess like any normal mom but her being miserable just started to take over and it bled all over my sister and I. When we start...


Excessive crying

When my 3 month old baby starts crying, it can take a little while to settle again. If she’s hungry, and she starts crying for her milk, by the time I’ve made her a bottle etc, it can be a mission to settle her/get her to take the bottle because she’s so worked up! I’m worried it’s something I’ve done wrong? I cuddl...


Wisdom tooth removal!

Hi! Have any of you ladies had their wisdom tooth out? I had a top one removed yesterday night (emergency dentist), and the pain today has just kept getting worse! Did you take any time off work after having it removed? Or should I just pull on my big girl pants and get over it?


Im 35 having my 1st child.

I dont like being classed as an older mum! I think it makes us feel awful. Im having my first child now due to having an u diagnosed medical condition for 5years. I've waited so long for my miracle. Being made to feel like an older mum though it's not nice. I had depression trying to make a baby and watching the eac...


I’m struggling

Hi mamas, I am having a really hard time adjusting to motherhood. I honestly don’t know what it is. I love my baby girl so much but I sometimes don’t feel a connection to her. I feel so alone, I don’t feel like anyone understands me and I just don’t feel like I have anyone to talk to that’ll understand. I feel like ...


Having epilepsy with a 5month old

I have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy not that I have ever had a seizure but I am constantly worried that I will have one when am home alone with my child. I don’t know what I can do to stop myself from constantly being worried/stressed



Context - I have an 11 week old baby, who seems to be suffering with recurring cold symptoms. Baby has a congenital heart condition, so is immunocompromised. AITA for taking my baby home from my in-laws house because MIL has a nasty cold? I arrived to the house with baby (as we were due to stay over and spend the...


Can you relate ?

Anyone diagnosed with PTSD & Generalized anxiety/social any type of anxiety ?


Hair growth

Why does it seem like its taking forever for my daughter's hair to grow a decent length? She was born with hair.. some. Even as she was crowning the dr exclaimed "baby has hair". But in certain lighting and in pics it looks as if she has a kiwi head if kiwi hair was an inch and a half long. I see other people's babi...


Anxiety and parenting

I been feeling overwhelmed and having anxiety and depression the last three months. I was doing so good and boom it came back. Wanting some support and friends.


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