Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Feeling miserable

I’m 10+2 today and my symptoms aren’t subsiding any time soon, I feel like absolute crap all day everyday. The sickness and tiredness is unbearable and I’m actually really struggling to cope and go on feeling like this. I have an 18 month old who I need to be looking after as well and I push through for her obviousl...


Not what i’d hoped for

Please no judgement! We tried for 5 years for our baby girl. She’s our little miracle after being told i’d never have a baby. I love her more than anything but I’m not enjoying being a parent at all. She is such hard work. She cries and whines all day long. Nothing seems to make her happy. I can’t get anything done...


Baby sitting

Hi, Just looking for advice or support really. Our little one is 6 weeks (7 in 2 days) Im finding it really hard to leave her with anyone and was wondering if any of you have had a date night with your partners yet? Even the thought of leaving her for 10 min round trip with my mum (I forgot something at home and...


Stitches came out- I thought they were meant to dissolve? Should I be concerned?

It’s been two weeks, just found bits of string with knots in when I gently wiped


This is hard 😭

My highly sensitive almost two year old has full blown melt downs when week old baby cries. I had a c section and trying to calm him and keep him from banging his head on the ground is so so hard. I feel so bad and hopeless when it happens. Most of the time he’s okay with baby, didn’t like him at first but warming u...


Just wanted to vent about how difficult this is

I’m exactly 20 weeks today and I think this morning it just hit me that Jesus Christ I need to do all of this all over again. I honestly can’t understand how people enjoy being pregnant. It has just felt like one difficulty on top of another. Once I’d finished vomiting about 8 times a day then none of my clothes sta...


Anyone suffering postpartum rage

Anyone just blow their top over daft things or had a very little fuse nowadays 🙈 I remember it with my first but even worse with my second. I hope it doesn't last too long


I don't know how to keep going..

I'm 2 months post partum. I was really happy at first and absolutely in love with my little girl - still am! Lately, I've just been getting upset a lot more, specifically towards my boyfriend. He helps me a lot and even tries to talk things out with me, but for some reason, I can control the rage that builds up occa...



Unsure if I may have post partem anxiety and what to do about it. I can’t stop worrying about SIDS, she’s six months old and I’m still awake half the night worrying and reading, so so much reading on stats about it. The fact it can happen no matter what you may do to try prevent is my main issue, the lack of control...



I’m really sad/frustrated. I haven’t had sex since September. I’ve tried many times and he denies me…for months. It’s fucking with my self image and making me feel so ugly. I want out of this….


Double buggy

Why didn't I get one sooner? 😂 Since my babygirl was born I've been relying on going out with my Mother and Nana so we can take both kids out in their buggies so of course on the days they've been working or my Nana hasn't been up to it due to being poorly over the Xmas period I haven't been able to go out. Today…


TW correcting birth injury

So I had an epesiotimy and possible a second degree tear (some notes mention it but note from delivery do not) and it didn’t heal right. My stitches tore and it was just a complete disaster. I’m still in pain from it almost 17 months post partum and have now been told I may have to go to theatre, have the scar tissu...


Postpartum Symptom

I feel so undeserving of my babygirl (week old) and her father. She’s so precious and he’s just take care of the both of us so well. But I. also happy , grateful and joyful because I manifested my family. Anyone else experiencing or experienced this.



Has anyone used these to help with shedding? It's driving me crazy and my partner HATES it as well and wants my dogs outside 😔 I have a husky mix and Shepard mix so it's BAD I was thinking of maybe getting these for when they are inside. Anyone have experience with them and what do you do to keep hair off your baby 😭



Hi, I'm 10 weeks pp. Had an episiotomy along with a 2nd degree tear. I'm a ftm and it was quite a traumatic birth. Just wondering if anyone else had this? How are you healing? I'm still feeling sore/numb where the scar is and just wanted to know if this was normal.


Let down!

No one really talks about how painful the let down is…is it normal? Like I have to pause a minute because of the pain. Anyone else?


PP hair lost

Please tell me I'm not the only mummy going through this. The past month, I've been losing my hair by the chunks. Every time I wash it, it comes away chunks, and I'm so worried I will end up with bald patches. My little girl is nearly 4 months old, and I don't remember losing this much hair with my 1st born nearly ...


depression and Uc

I’ve been diagnosed with depression after i gave birth but i predict this has been going on way before i gave birth and at the moment im on universal credit and the thing is im finding it difficult to do anything on a day to day basis like dont get me wrong i make sure my sons looked after as he’s my main priority b...


Anyone have a toddler who was burned & scarred?

My LG was burned by water the other week & I just feel so terrible that she'll have to grow up/live with such a visible scar down her chest 🥹I need some reassurance that it'll get better.


BD and His Girlfriend Vent Sesh

Anyone else have a bd who has an annoying delusional girlfriend?!?! My baby is 7 months and I’ve completely removed myself from the entire situation since BEFORE he was born like nothing at all to do w my bd and I never ever cared about the girl.. but this girlfriend of his just FORCES herself into my life. She clai...


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