Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Someone who I thought was a friend is suddenly going very cold with me. Not messaging me anymore, and responding with short responses. Didn’t come to my engagement party and is now not coming to my daughter’s birthday party. I really like this person and I feel like we have similar parenting styles and ideas on educ...
I’m so over these annoying emotions!! From rage, sad, happy, frustrated, etc. it’s all over the place 🥲 I don’t like being sad bc I feel like my baby feels it too but it’s like I can’t help it.. anyone else?
Is anyone else’s hair still coming out every single day? I don’t understand how I have any hair left on my head at this rate 😭 I used to have a lot of hair and now it’s really fine and I’m really unhappy with it! When does it stop?!
I’ve always thought I wanted more than one child but I’ve been thinking recently that I don’t know if I want to have more. I can’t imagine doing all of this again. I’ve suffered with postnatal depression really badly, I think I’m coming out of it now but it took me so low and I just wouldn’t ever want to go back to ...
I am feeling so bad that I cannot stop crying. I feel like I have failed my little girl. She is 1 year in 2 weeks and since 2 months has stopped growing. She has dropped weight, dropped centiles quickly, doesn’t eat and I have tried every way and doesn’t sleep. It been a week and a half and she has stopped eating, e...
My husband's coworkers gf just had a baby at 34 weeks. They've been in the nicu for about 30 days. We are helping take care of their dogs (the hospital is like an hour away). We got their baby a stocking for Christmas as she was not expected until afterwards. I feel like all the attention is on baby and not on momma...
Hey girls … when did everyone’s hair start and stop falling out after baby?
Does anyone feel awful mum guilt when you can’t instantly soothe your crying baby?
Missing my pregnancy hair!! Only washed it once a week when I was pregnant as it was hardly greasy. 4 months post partum and losing it by the handful! Wash it and next morning it’s thick with grease. Not changed shampoo. Still taking PP vitamins, use rosemary oil and started a collagen supplement! Anybody any tips?...
We are currently trying for our second. Our first took no time at all but this time round it’s taking longer and every month I find myself heartbroken. It doesn’t help that it feels like everyone around me is announcing pregnancies and giving birth. Not sure the point of this post but just felt like I needed to vent…
I have a question about intimacy when you have a baby. I saw a conversation on Facebook about a mom asking “if my 10 month old is asleep in their bassinet, do you still have sex on the bed with your husband or is that weird?” There were so many mixed reviews. What is everyone else’s opinion?
Hey, I don’t really know how to say how I’m feeling but I could really do with some advice on what to do. I’m a very stubborn woman so going to the doctors would have to be a lot to me as they are useless. I am 9 weeks pregnant and have a 4 year old. Back in 2018-2019 I was in an induced coma and found out I have ap...
We’ve started a couple of classes recently with my LO she’s 3 months and she’s just screams. She’s not hungry, tired, or the usual tick boxes. I’m not sure if she’s just overwhelmed at the new experiences and I’m not sure what to do. So that she can get something out of them, and so she’s not just crying through the...
What was your first period like after giving birth?
Like when will my pelvic floor go back to something like normal? I’m running to the toilet and at times not making it and having to hold myself like a child. I’ve been doing pelvic floor exercises but doesn’t seem to be helping. I’m 8 weeks pp.
Hi, is it possible to have a second baby safely after having a uterine prolapse after my first baby?
So I’ve been with my man year and half and long story short I’m just not happy anymore I’m falling outta love for him and I’m depressed and I just can’t take it anymore how can I get him to break up with me cuz I tried to break up with him but he cries none stop and begging me to take him back how I can get him. To ...
Anyone torn between stopping BF to (hopefully bring back period) and keeping going? I want to try for baby number 2 as I’m 33 but I’m still BF (night weaned and 3x a day ish but still no period). The guilt is real
Any one else really struggling or got any advice I'm struggling to the point I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I've signed up for therapy but that doesn't start until Friday and can't get a GP appointment for weeks. Is there anyone else I can call
Hi everyone just wanted to know if ur relationship suffered after birth? Mine I feel we have got more distance, more frequent augment and disagreement etc I’m not to sure if it’s me being tired and constant with the baby or if it’s anything else