Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Suffer?? Or be the bad guy?!

I did alot for my child to have a relationship with the dad. But as time goes on I wonder if I’d be so wrong if I blocked him and my child just went on in life dadless. He’s a good dad but he treats me terribly and offers no physical child care. If I ghost, he won’t fight to be in child’s life, take me to court, etc...


Our beautiful girl arrived on 14 January, 3 days before her due date (big brother was a due date baby!)

The first waves of regular period-like contractions began at 2:30am yesterday, we called the midwives to come to the house at 12:47pm when things were really ramping up, one made it at 1:02pm, my waters broke at 1:05pm and our girl shot out at 1:18pm! The other made it for the physiological third stage at least…


What do you call this type of person

I think my sister has a psychological issue.. one day she’s good and the next day she is not! For example; when she’s arguing with my other sister she tends to shut us out and ghost me for a while like weeks or months! If she’s mad at us she unfollows us and archive all the pics of my daughter and my other sister ki...


Unhappy, Need friends, venting

So this was me a month ago, we still go out and I get to have my alone time with my hubby. I miss my old body I’m the biggest I’ve ever been and honestly I’m just to tired to exercise people can say I’m lazy but I’m emotionally and physically tired ima a stay at home mom and have both of my babes at home right now....



Ive had two pregnancies one with many complications and my most recent my baby was stillborn... I have health issues myself. Through pregnancy everyone i know friends and family constantly were asking questions I felt so suffocated AITA if i keep my next pregnancy completely secret until after I give birth? I want...


I want to tell my child’s doctor off

We had an appointment today and I felt like the doctor was so condescending, judgmental and overall had horrible bedside manner. Every time I leave her office I feel like shit like she always makes me feel like I’m a bad mother. I want to tell her off/how I feel about her bedside manner because I’m tired of it and t...



So i think i have ppd, i never had this with my first baby, how do doctors go about treating this?



So i think i have ppd but i never had this with my first, how do doctors go about treating this?


Breaking Point

How do ya’ll do it? My bd is so disrespectful. He calls me names, tells me to die, threatens me and it’s so toxic. We are not together and don’t live together but whenever we are around each other cause of our daughter it’s chaos. I don’t have anyone else. My mom is crazy like actually mentally ill. I literally am o...


Being a Toddler Mom

Being a toddler mom is kicking my ass. I feel like I’m failing. My kids does everything she isnt supposed to do. She fights me, she sleeps with me, she still breastfeeds, and refuses to be potty trained. I’m going through a separation and I think I am losing my mind. Right now she is screaming at me. I just want to...


Ripped Stitches - Reconstructive Surgery

Probably a bit specific but has anyone had to have reconstructive surgery after their stitches have ripped opened? Just wondering what the recovery is like, extremely anxious it’s going to happen again as this recovery is just fuckin awful, it’s never ending


Mental Breakdown

Currently crying because I am so stressed. My daughter is so clingy I literally get nothing done. She cries if she isn’t in my arms. I sat her down to do dishes and she cried the entire time. She does this all day. My son was a velcro baby but still was fine being put down for a little bit. I really hope it gets bet...


Feeling blue/depressed

Currently 17w 4d with my twins, and I’ve been feeling depressed as of late. I can’t put my finger on it, I just haven’t been wanting to get out of bed, shower or any of the normal things I do on a daily basis. I feel as though my energy has dropped and the only thing that brings me the slightest amount of happiness ...


Anyone out there 1 and done but not by choice

The trauma of this has caused major depression


My baby looks like my MIL

So I do not like my mil she is very self absorbed insensitive and rude. She shows me no respect even in my own house but we are stuck with her as my husband is an only child. My little boy is 2.5 months old and lately his eyes look very much like my MILs eyes. It’s killing me coz it’s the one thing I said during my ...


Hair loss ☹️

I don't know what it's called when the sides of your hairline go back.. not sure if it's widows peak or just a receding hairline but mine is major! Any suggestions on growing hair back or new hair? I know minoxidil is a popular choice on TikTok. Any other suggestions?? My husband said I look like this..😂🙄


Am I the only one?

Now that I am a mom, to a 5 month old and now pregnant with our second… I am having some feelings about my childhood and my mother come up. I think maybe I need to get into therapy and talk this out but I’m wondering if anyone has experienced similar. Usually I’m able to contain my feelings about it but now I’m havi...



I’m getting so overwhelmed with motherhood and my child- they are my world and I love them so much however I keep losing my cool and shouting and getting upset and just walking away from my child screaming for me- I feel awful - she’s in my arms asleep and I’m sat here crying - I just feel like I’m a bad mum


Losing friends

Someone who I thought was a friend is suddenly going very cold with me. Not messaging me anymore, and responding with short responses. Didn’t come to my engagement party and is now not coming to my daughter’s birthday party. I really like this person and I feel like we have similar parenting styles and ideas on educ...



I’m so over these annoying emotions!! From rage, sad, happy, frustrated, etc. it’s all over the place 🥲 I don’t like being sad bc I feel like my baby feels it too but it’s like I can’t help it.. anyone else?


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