Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Infacol drop

Hi, I’m using this drop for my son based on the recommendation of his midwife. However, after using it, he experiences a brief but very intense pain. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, what did you do? I currently don’t have access to his midwife and don’t know what to do.


TW Baby blues

I have just had my baby 9 days ago and I have a supportive family and husband around me but I’m really struggling mentally. My family lives in a different country and they’re only here temporarily to help with the baby. Ever since I had my baby I’m crying non-stop and lost my appetite. I can’t stop worrying about ev...


Braxton hicks

Hello! I am suffering with really intensely uncomfortable braxton hicks every now and then - for me this is a tightening across the whole bump and it goes really hard. It’s so unpleasant. I’ve read the info around it on nhs/Tommy’s and the midwife team weren’t concerned when I mentioned it but I do find it worrying....


Those moments where you're alone and you overthink and cry

Today is one of those days where I've had a couple of these moments, where you have your cry, pick yourself back up and get back into 'mum mode'..... but everything you're thinking, is there usually truth to it and it just spills over, or is overthinking completely irrational? How do you know how you genuinely, trul...


Depression and pregnancy

Is anyone currently pregnant and have really bad depression I don’t even want to get out of bed to care for my toddler I cry non stop Did anyone take antidepressants like Zoloft I’m only 5 weeks now


Lower back pain

Omg I had 2 under 2 My youngest is 6 months old I had an emergency c section for the first and a planned for the second. And OMG why does my back hurt so bad now?! I never used to have issues with my back but now after doing housework or whatever it tightens right up and I have to sit to relax it Am I just getting o...


A bit of an awkward question

How long after birth is it safe to Masterbate?


PP hair loss

Anyone experiencing the dreaded hair loss yet? Mine is falling out rapidly and I’m terrified I’m going to get bald patches 😩. Any hints or tips on how to stop or help it not come out as much or is it something I just need to grit and bare it


I’ve been told that because I respond when my baby cries in her crib that I’m a pushover and baby knows I’ll come running.

Thoughts on this? I find it really difficult when people make these comments, and I know they don’t come from a bad place it’s just that back in the day CIO was the done thing and people think that’s still the way now etc. But it just bugs me. I want my baby to know I’ll come running if she’s upset. I find it uncomf...


How do you NO ROUTINE mums do it?!

I have severe OCD which means my life is an entire routine (no I don't enjoy this nor can I switch off!). But this has also impacted my kids- even though they have followed routine there has been times where they havnt and I feel BROKEN, riddled over anxiety and dreading the worst when it happens. I was diagnosed at...


Sex frequency

Hi, like most of your babies, my little boy is just over 7 months old. I was wondering how much people’s libido has come back as I feel mine is still very reduced. My partner and I don’t have sex very often because of me and it’s becoming a bit of an issue. So how often do you guys have sex with your partner’s? An...


Please help..

Has anybody wanted to take their baby and leave the rest of their family behind? I feel like just the thought is crazy but I have a partner and 2 step kids and 9months postpartum, I just want to take my baby and run... I resent the kids for taking so much space, for making so many messes,... I feel like I'd be bette...


Is it just me or is my ex being cringy and possesive?!

A few weeks ago I made a comment to my ex that every time I have my period now since giving birth I get really horrible labia pain. I said it felt similar to after birth when I had tore and needed stitches. Said this was never the case before birth but I also noticed I was never checked to see if my stitches and wou...


Perinatal mental health team

Can someone help me to understand what Perinatal Mental health team is. Why do they come to your house? Are they like social services?


Prolapse ?? Has anyone had a uterine prolapse and what treatment did you need ? Think I have one after having my 9lb 2 baby ! . 3 babies In 3 years obviously wasn't the best idea :(

Seeing the gp soon and doing my pelvic floor exercises but just want an idea of what they will say


Will sex trigger labor?

I haven’t had sex with my partner since I got pregnant, because we were too busy raising our firstborn (was 5 months old when I conceived) and there was a risk of pre-term labor, so we were extra careful. Now I’m 37+2, the baby’s weight is good. We were just considering to have sex to accelerate labor. Is this a ...


Suffer?? Or be the bad guy?!

I did alot for my child to have a relationship with the dad. But as time goes on I wonder if I’d be so wrong if I blocked him and my child just went on in life dadless. He’s a good dad but he treats me terribly and offers no physical child care. If I ghost, he won’t fight to be in child’s life, take me to court, etc...


Our beautiful girl arrived on 14 January, 3 days before her due date (big brother was a due date baby!)

The first waves of regular period-like contractions began at 2:30am yesterday, we called the midwives to come to the house at 12:47pm when things were really ramping up, one made it at 1:02pm, my waters broke at 1:05pm and our girl shot out at 1:18pm! The other made it for the physiological third stage at least…


What do you call this type of person

I think my sister has a psychological issue.. one day she’s good and the next day she is not! For example; when she’s arguing with my other sister she tends to shut us out and ghost me for a while like weeks or months! If she’s mad at us she unfollows us and archive all the pics of my daughter and my other sister ki...


Unhappy, Need friends, venting

So this was me a month ago, we still go out and I get to have my alone time with my hubby. I miss my old body I’m the biggest I’ve ever been and honestly I’m just to tired to exercise people can say I’m lazy but I’m emotionally and physically tired ima a stay at home mom and have both of my babes at home right now....


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