Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Anyone still dealing with hair loss?

I feel like my hairline looks really thin, almost bald spot at my temples. What can I do for this? Anyone else still dealing with this?


Sex drive/ sex life

I know this probably isn’t on most people’s minds but I’m 6 weeks PP and we have tried to have sex a few times now. It just really hard to enjoy it. Had a c section. I don’t have any pain. But I’m worried about the baby, trying to reconnect with my hubby and not feel like roommates, build intimacy since we aren’t cu...


Antidepressants do you take them? Do you like them?

I’m seeing my doctor today about going on antidepressants, I really hate taking medication because I’m so sensitive to medication and feel very gaslit because doctors always just don’t acknowledge the side affects I say I’m having or just tell me to deal with it, I can’t even take birth control because of how badly ...


Gallbladder issues postpartum

Anyone experience gallbladder problems post partum. I am 2 1/2 weekd post partum with baby #2. I had severe ab pain last night resulting in an er visit early this am. They found a polyp in my gallbladder and I see a specialist tomorrow regarding if sugery is necessary or not. I am exhausted with a newborn and now li...


Help with hair loss after birth.

Hi all you lovely ladies. I'm wondering weather any of you can help with hair loss. Since I've given birth on the 16th September I've noticed that my hair is thining and falling out quite alot. Has this happened to any of you? And could any of you given any recommendations, tried and tested products etc that could r...


Anti-depressant pills during pregnancy?

Has anyone been on Zoloft, Effexor etc during pregnancy for depression/anxiety? Did it affect your baby in any way either during pregnancy scans or after birth? Whether reaching milestones, neurological or physical, how did everything turn out? I am concerned about side effects even though the doctor has said it ...


Feeling anxious and emotional for change

I have about 5 months left of Mat leave, which is still a long time, but I can’t help feeling emotional at the thought of going to work and not being with my girl every day. I also hate the thought of strangers looking after her (nursery) but I know it will do her good to interact with other babies. Anyone else feel...


Hugs from your babies

This is probably kinda weird but do hugs from your baby’s always feel the same? My baby is now a toddler and doesn’t really hug me as much anymore but when she does it still feels the same as when she was a newborn Like not feels the same but makes me feel the same way like there’s no one I love more and sometimes ...


A small vent

My birthday was two days ago (turned 25). Last year my husband and I moved across the country to be closer to his family because i come from a broken one. Well my MIL surprised me with a dinner which i loved. But a part of me just wanted a few gift cards to spoil myself. Im a SAHM of 2 under 2. I dont go out ever bu...


16 Days PP

I had stitches for a 2nd degree tear. Not sure of they are still there or not but can I have a bath? Or still ahowers only? Forgot to ask midwives! TiA


Question about PP sex

Hi everyone! Im 5 months pp and it still hurts a lot when having sex. We have tried different positions but it just doesn’t feel good. Does it get better if so when?


Second degree tear stitches

I had to have quite a lot of stitches as had a second degree tear. I’m 11 days postpartum and apparently they are healing well but oh my god… the itching, uncomfortable horrible feeling is ruining the time with my newborn now. I genuinely feel like having the stitches done initially was worse than the actual birth a...


My daughter is turning one and I’m not okay.

Hi, looking for some mom coping mechanisms for myself. My daughter turns one in about 2 1/2 weeks and I am utterly distraught. I didn’t think I would take it so hard but every time I think about it I’m in tears. She just started walking too so I’ve been very emotional about her being more independent. Can you guys t...


TMI Postpartum sex

Had sex 8 weeks pp and although it was enjoyable, it's definitely different. Questions: Have you found it to be different down there in terms of less feelings or sensitivity? Feels very dry down there internally? Less sensations and pleasure?


I feel like a bad mum

I feel horrible, my LO (8m) fell asleep on a walk and when we got home, I didn't take her hat off for 45m 😭 it was her first nap of the day and she's been overtired for hours so I just forgot coz I was so happy she was asleep and now I'm petrified she's going to be effected by SIDs. I feel awful and like a horrible…


Does anyone’s kid cry without tears?

My baby boy cried with tears and it breaks my soul. It is so stinking cute and heartbreaking. My daughter has really never had tears! She’s maybe had tears like five times in her whole life. Is that normal? I never really noticed it until I had my son and he started busting out the tears around 6 weeks.


Feeling low

Having a really bad mental health day 😪 LO not sleeping well, I'm wondering if I'm doing good by him, feeling guilty that I'm not enjoying maternity leave 😢 just really sad


Since becoming a mum, I still get sad now and then that I don’t really know who I am anymore

I’m 10 months postpartum and every now and then I get sad or emotional about my identity. I don’t know how to articulate it well enough.. but I’m not who I used to be anymore? I had ambitions, career goals, freedom - but it’s all changed. Like it’s all questionable because my priorities have changed. Don’t get me w...


Hate being touched since having kids, anyone else?

I don't know if this is trauma from my almost 4 year olds emergency section birth, or even from my almost 3 year olds natural labour which left me with pain and discomfort around and inside my vagina. Or even trauma from their dad cheating on me. I have no desire to have sex and the very few times we did, it was pai...



I'm having dark thoughts I need help. I feel like a failure my kids were taken away by CPS bc they said I lack the cognitive ability to parent my kids. My youngest was taken at 3 days old and all I can do is provide milk for her but postpartum depression sucks. Not to mention my birthday is coming up but my twin pas...


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