Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Tbh I honestly feel like I rock parenting… my kids tell me I’m great… family and friends tell me I’m great… and some of the parents at school just are amazed of me so it just feels like affirmation of my own thoughts But like SELF?! My feet look crazy, I don’t exercise as much as I’d like, I hate my diet because i...
Baby was a surprise and I love her so much I just wish so badly I could have planned her. I feel like no one talks about how hard it is to have an unplanned child cause you’re so happy they’re here but are just not prepared.. I always thought I’d be prepared and ready for kids.. and I’m not.. I have no idea what I’m...
I moved to the US only four months before the birth of my baby and I had no idea how much you’re left to yourself once the baby is born 😞 I come from Denmark where checkups on mom and baby are super thorough and often. A nurse comes to your home several times within the first month and then about every month for…
Let’s release our thought to be mom failures. Past or present. I now and often feel like I am a failure taking care of two kids. Currently they both have diaper rash and I feel like it’s my fault. The root issue is constantly feeling like I am not tending enough to one or both of them and it’s hard. And so all the ...
I’m almost 7 months postpartum with my first when I was 40, now 41. Objectively I had a fairly ok birth and a healthy baby so I know it’s not the worse case scenario. But I feel terrible. Again I know it can be worse, but I felt like I had a pretty traumatic birth. I lost a lot of blood (more than 1 liter) from an...
Anyone else struggling with sensitivity from the stitches you got after giving birth. My son is 2 and I don't think I've healed properly or they probably didn't stitch me up right. It's very easy to tell where I got all the stitches and I feel the sensitivity whenever I wipe down there. Honestly it still hurts. Any...
My husband is recently back at work. I have a 6 week old & 4 yr old. I’m so tired by morning getting my daughter to school. I was throwing her toys into bins very frustrated this morning by the mess and just chaos overall. Her dad said she asked if I was mad at her and teachers told me she was very emotional this af...
Is 12 weeks “too late” to start having postpartum depression? My baby’s dad works from 3pm to 11pm and so for the majority of the day, it’s just her and I at home. Don’t get me wrong, I love her with all my heart and I love being with her, but sitting alone all day with a 3 month old is exhausting. She’s at the poin...
How long did everyone wait after giving birth to have sex again ? I’m nearly 3 weeks postpartum , I had a vaginal birth with no tearing or stitches I naturally feel ready again but not sure if it’s too soon ?
Hi! I think I’ve been experiencing braxton hicks this evening? Earlier this afternoon I had a bath (hardly warm, in fact it went stone cold so quick I was only in there for about 15/20 mins). After my bath I harvested colostrum (about 2pm), everything was fine, I had a nap for a couple of hours, when I woke up star...
Baby daddy ended our relationship 5 days after I’d given birth to our darling boy. We had a huge argument and he decided that was enough. I know I’m responsible for my actions and for what I say. But he just doesn’t seem to get that I’d just had a traumatic birth and am not myself. He hadn’t been very supportive in ...
Im just rambling and venting: My baby girl isn't really talking. She's 2 and only really saying maybe 10 words, and a lot of times, I don't think there's any understanding to words. Like she'll say "apple," but there's no apples anywhere. She's in speech therapy and has been for a couple of months but not much progr...
I’m getting so fed up with my MIL. She took a screenshot of my 4 y/o daughter while they were on a FaceTime call and posted it on her Facebook without asking myself or my husband….again. We literally just had this conversation with that woman about how dangerous it can be and that we don’t want our kids on social me...
i feel so lonely. i’m stressing and im sad. my bd keeps calling me fat we’re kinda going through a breakup. i love him and something feels like it’s missing but we don’t see eye to eye i can’t eat fr and i feel like im failing my babies somewhere. and then he said that im a bad mom and i fo everything i can for my s...
I could really do with some support. My baby is 7 months old and I am struggling with severe anxiety, specifically about her getting ill. I am in therapy but i’m still struggling. I am so scared of something happening to her and its taking over my life. With it being winter and cold/flue/rsv season, my anxiety is th...
Hi mamas I need advice and help please. My 3 year old girl has been driving us nuts since roughly November/December and I thought it was the whole Christmas overload and overstimulation etc but it's carrying on. Absolutely everything is a negotiation at the moment or a no. She doesn't listen to anything and throws m...
I have a 20mo old rn and ever since i got pregnant at 19 i hated it, i thought things would get better after baby but it just got worse. I thought maybe i need more time but i feel the resentment building in me everyday. I feel so mislead, everyone around me was telling me how great being a parent is and i fell for ...
Hi mummies, I have a 4 month baby and I’m still getting through post pain depression. It’s been a hard journey so far with an unbearable pregnancy, traumatic birth and then dealing with looking after a new life who I very much love. Being in pain still from my c section I can’t do alot of things still. I’ve just ab...
Does anyone know other than biotin what kind of vitamins or thing I can do for hair regrowth. I lose so much of my hair everytime I brush and wash it. Ik the why. I’m a licensed cosmetologist. But being a year postpartum now, I’m kinda wondering when my hair is going to stop falling out. I had very thin and fine hai...
Has anyone else noticed their hair growth has changed?, my armpits and leg hair are hardy growing now - not complaining but wondered if anyone else experiencing the same