Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I’m currently going through a separation with my husband and it’s drowning me. I don’t have any friends to talk to so I’m constantly depressed and in bed. I’m slowly getting better but I have days of depression. I have 3 daughters and they’ve been noticing. I’m not sure I can cope.
I feel so guilty even writing this. My first child is 9.5 months old and I’m sometimes longing for me again (pre-baby). It’s not like I’ve ‘lost myself’ as I do things for me and am figuring out my ‘new normal’ now I’m a mum. I’ve always liked my own space, so I think one of the things I find the hardest is never ...
I finally looked after having baby a few weeks ago. I'm in pieces. I ended up with multiple 2nd degree tears and an episiotomy. Where they have stitched it all back up, they've stitched my outer labia over the inner labia. Half my vulva is now covered. I hate how it looks, and it's so uncomfortable still. I feel br...
I’m considering baker acting myself due to experiencing symptoms of ppd along with postpartum psychosis. I’ve been having delusions that the government is out to get me, that someone will break in and kidnap my daughter every night, etc… I get such intense mood swings such as sobbing one minute to laughing uncomfort...
All I have these nesting Urges 🤦🤦🤦. I can’t stop cleaning
Hate motherhood so far, 4m in and I’m hating it, I have to be honest. Baby was always difficult. I used to actually keep a calendar of all the bad days I had and ur lucky if there was 1 good in a week. Improved a lot with each week and I can acknowledge that so now it’s more like 2 bad to 5 good. But I absolutely...
He wasn’t feeling well I let him rest he got upset about something small and now is talking like that.
I’m almost 37 weeks and my baby shower is this weekend. My family is traveling from all over the world to be here for one day and his own mom won’t even show up for stupid reasons and she lives 15 minutes away. Mind you she knew about this since September. I’m starting not to like her but I just need some advice on ...
It’s been said a lot of times in the group but I can’t get my head around why my baby would cry for hours on end without a particular reason. He had stopped for a bit and this week has been back at it, purple crying for hours as if he’s been hypnotized. Waking up every hour of the night crying. Being super fussy d...
Hi, ive always struggled with my mental health but at the moment I'm really struggling with the worst anxiety attacks and unpleasant thoughts at night when I'm trying to sleep, I had one that lasted two hours straight last night I kept going hot and cold, I kept crying and was shaking violently and I'm so scared. I ...
Feel like the worst mum I put my little girl on the bed with the cushions by her but she must of rolled onto her belly and onto the floor I had run into the other room to get my toddler out of his cot and it was a few seconds. She was face down on the floor crying . She’s been herself all morning and was laughing a ...
Has anyone got it done? I have booked my apt for tomorrow and now I’m scared 😂 but I wana get waxed so bad.. should I wait? I still feel sensitive around my stitches ..
I’ve got two kids (1 & 2) and I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd. I’ve had the worst thoughts possible. I mean bad thoughts I’m not even proud of like harming myself or my kids cause I feel so depressed. I’m with my current partner (father of my current pregnancy) but the other twos father (dv) has found ways to tor...
So my Son is 2years old .. when I gave birth they asked me if I wanted him to be circumcised but my BABY DAD said noo now I’m regretting I should have get my SON circumcised 😭.. I hope he not gonna hate me for this when he grows up ..
So my Son is 2years old .. when I gave birth they asked me if I wanted him to be circumcised but my BABY DAD said noo now I’m regretting I should have get my SON circumcised 😭.. I hope he not gonna hate me for this when he grows up ..
Hello mommas. I need some guidance. I have a step daughter who has been dealing with gender identity issues for a few years now. It went way farther than it was ever supposed to due to her mother going back on our agreement to not medicalize until she was an adult and could make the decisions herself. My husband and...
Have you had sex already since giving birth, either vaginally or via a C-Section!
I am a mom to a 14month old baby girl. I have been with my fiance for almost 3 years, I am in such a bad place with him that everytime I tell him something that is bothering me, he says I’m being difficult. We started counseling back in December and he is very quick to tell me when I’m not putting our sessions into ...
2under2 is it a nightmare when I’m alone. I can’t split myself in two. I feel like crap for doing this to my kids. They both deserve undivided attention and I took that from them. My toddler wants to be picked up every time the baby cries. He cries and it breaks my little heart. She also needs to be picked up more a...
Tbh I honestly feel like I rock parenting… my kids tell me I’m great… family and friends tell me I’m great… and some of the parents at school just are amazed of me so it just feels like affirmation of my own thoughts But like SELF?! My feet look crazy, I don’t exercise as much as I’d like, I hate my diet because i...