Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Baby looks nothing like me

Anyone struggling with this? I have bonded great with my LO but they seriously look nothing like me and everyone won't stop commenting on it. I am mixed, the dad is white, our LO is white and has all of his features and apparently only has my attitude and facial expressions (lol!). I love her so much but I do feel i...


Spritz for bits!

Has anyone ever used spritz for bits? Is it worth it? Really considering it this time around as I had tears with both my previous births and was just in achy pain for a while after.. open to hearing about any other remedies too!!


Postpartum 😥❤️‍🩹

I feel so happy and complete with my first child arriving a few days before expected due date. But can we get into the body after giving birth. How are yall feeling? What’s your experience? Self care tips for after giving birth?


Finding it difficult with my daughter

My daughter seems to be very scared of everything and I'm beginning to worry about her. She is timid in character but I've got to the point now where I'm getting frustrated with her which I don't want to do. For some context, her whole life I've taken her to baby groups, experiences and activities and she's always ...


40 weeks today, I feel like I’ve done a prison sentence

Don’t get me wrong I am so excited for my Babyboy to be here but these 9 months have not been easy on me at all and I just want to cry. I am in agony and honestly don’t know if I can handle another week of this. I just want my body back, I’m aching everywhere.


When does the postpartum rage end?

It’s hurting my relationships. Everything sets me off. It’s not normal for me to be this angry all the time. 😞


Any bipolar moms here ? I have a question

Sometimes i have low lows and sometimes i have high highs i was examined by my dr he thought i was bipolar but i was going through ppd so he left me undiagnosed


Hair thinning hair loss

Just wondering if anyone can suggest anything for hair loss/thinning. I’m so upset it’s just not getting any better only worse after nearly a year post partum :(


My husband still isn't settling into Farther Hood

Anyone else's partner still struggling. My husband is still regretting being a dad and feeling depressed at times. I really don't know how to help I feel so sad for him and for us . Thing that upsets me allot is I've always wanted two children but I don't know how that will be possible now , he originally wanted k...


Mama mental breakdowns

Finally had well needed mama mental breakdown where I just cried for a bit to just let out my frustration. I’m a Sahm and my husband travels for work sometimes a week or two at a time , this time it’s going on three weeks 😭 and I am struggling .


Is anyone else's baby like this

My 4 month old daughter is extremely clingy and has fomo. From the moment we wake up in the morning, it is impossible to get anything done. She does not allow me to leave the room, will hysterically cry, she has an electric swing and a bounce and neither soothe/settle her. She wants to be constantly interacted with ...


Do you ever have days where you just hate being a parent?

Don't judge me on this but today has been hell. I've had constant crying, refusing naps and constant irritability all day. I had to eat my dinner cold, drink all my hot drinks cold and haven't been able to go to the loo all day. Today I'm seriously thinking that thinking I could do this was a stupid idea. I love m...


It helps to let it out

Maybe someone in here finds it easier when they write down how they feel as well? I suggest you try, I did it once and can’t stop since Big hugs to all of you who are struggling ✨✨


New mom

I’m having a boy so is there anything to expect and do differently with them than with baby girls?


Depression medication

I've never had to take pills to help with my mental health. But once I had my baby I had postpartum depression. I thought I was doing ok but my family is making me go to therapy and they want me to take pills. I don't want to take pills but because of where I live I have no choice. Has anyone ever taken or is curren...



Well it’s official my partner and I are no longer together it’s just me my girl and the house now and our cats. I NEVER thought i’d have this type of heartbreak again. I haven’t stopped crying i need some support and help please. I’m going crazy.


4 months postpartum

Does anyone just get waves of sadness and the evenings just make you feel so sad and depressed to the point where you feel you’re only living for your baby. Idk who to talk to because I feel like this every evening and I’ve bottled it but but all of a sudden just had to have a cry about it. I just feel stuck Please ...


How to deal with this?.. family rant

I’m pretty sure my dad is bipolar, but he refuses to get diagnosed. It runs in his family and his brother is diagnosed with it. To be honest a lot of bad mental illness runs on his side of the family and I didn’t realize it till recently. Honestly I’d love to know what he has so maybe we can get him help and know ho...



I’m currently going through a separation with my husband and it’s drowning me. I don’t have any friends to talk to so I’m constantly depressed and in bed. I’m slowly getting better but I have days of depression. I have 3 daughters and they’ve been noticing. I’m not sure I can cope.


Is this it for the rest of my life?

I feel so guilty even writing this. My first child is 9.5 months old and I’m sometimes longing for me again (pre-baby). It’s not like I’ve ‘lost myself’ as I do things for me and am figuring out my ‘new normal’ now I’m a mum. I’ve always liked my own space, so I think one of the things I find the hardest is never ...


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