Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I feel like I’ve migrated into this weird mental state where I’m starting to feel tired and I find myself randomly starting to tear up when I’m playing with my 2 month old. I start thinking about how unhappy I feel overall but that my baby is the only source of light I feel and then that makes me feel like I’m putti...
I’m really really struggling to feel like a good mother right now. Some backstory is my ex husband cheated on me and hit me pretty bad and broke our window (he hasn’t always been this way). I left him while 7 months pregnant with our daughter. My 20 month old son watches so much tv for the first time in his life, I ...
I’m a first time mom & I have a newborn and when he cries uncontrollably, I get frustrated at times and I feel so bad for feeling that way afterwards , is this normal ? I can’t help but to feel like a bad mommy :(
To intentionally ignore the cries of your child is abusive. It is traumatizing, and something that they don’t “learn to self soothe” or “adjust” to, rather they learn that “no one cares when I need help.” I do not care who wrote it, what the persons title was, what degree they have, all it takes is intuition and con...
How did you guys manage with the baby blues? I’ve found myself just absolutely crying and breaking down several times a day over a million different things. I didn’t experience the baby blues at all with my first born and I’m finding it quite hard dealing with them.
We are at the ER but it got really busy really fast and have been waiting for hours. I'm not cramping or bleeding. But she's usually insanely active, even her last scan at 13 weeks she was going nuts. We flew for Thanksgiving and she was super active on the plane. That was 3 days ago and I haven't felt her since :( ...
I didn’t sign up for this! I’m seriously struggling with the this breakup! It’s been a while since I cried over my bd.. he hasn’t exactly done anything but I’m just hurting so bad! I just wished he cared to fight for our relationship! I’m so heartbroken yall. I know people will say it gets better with time and stay ...
At what point did you stop taking the Tylenol and Advil? I’m on day 10 and each time I try to discontinue, I feel pain and go back to taking it lol.
Hi mums, my daughter is 9 months (today) and over the past 5/6 weeks has developed major separation anxiety. It’s at the point now where she will go crazy if she’s not touching me or can see me. I’ve been popping her into the gym crèche (an hour) a few times a week to try and help her realise that we can be apart an...
Hey, I’m 8 weeks pp and currently getting bummed about the hair loss. I’ve posted a photo of the hair ball in the comments that I’ve lost in the shower as this is a regular occurrence, but in total I lost double this as I brushed my hair before the shower and afterwards! Is this a normal amount to loose? Honestly f...
I'm now 6 days PP and I am experiencing really bad baby blues, like I've never felt sadness and anxiety like it. It started 3 days PP and im just really struggling. When does it start to get better? When did the baby blues fade for you? When should I be concerned it is post natal depression? And any tips or words of...
My maternity leave is coming to an end and i need to return back to work. My MIL has offered to take care of baby but obviously she wants to get paid. First of all, i don’t want her to take care of my baby especially for a whole full day of a work shift. She wasn’t a good mom to my partner and didn’t really take car...
I moved homes 5 days ago and my 22 month old is literally crying non stop every single day and night. I know it’s a huge change for her but I honestly don’t know what to do to help her. Do you guys have any advice? would appreciate it x
I so desperately want to “get my pink back” I’m not myself, I don’t look at my partner the same since giving the birth. I don’t have any libido. I’m easily agitated towards my husband and feel like he needs to evolve emotionally already I’m so fed up dealing with the same problems and repeating myself I just snapped...
Hi ladies, I’m now 12w postpartum and the hair loss has hit me hard. Any advice? Would the GP offer me anything or is it better to hit Boots for options? If so which ones can you recommend? Thanks!
I’m writing this cause I just want to see whether I’m in the wrong for feeling like I have nobody while dealing with the situation I am in. I have a 4yr old daughter undergoing being diagnosed with autism she attacks me badly and mainly me and i have heard kids go for the one they are comfortable with but being told...
My partner and I really want to have another child. But I’ve been very sad because I’ve been reading online the risks associated with increased age. I am 32 and my partner is 46- going to be 47 soon. I’m more concerned about his age than mine but I know there are risks involved with both. We were thinking of doing a...
My baby is now 18 months. Do you think they will offer it to me if I call my GP?
I’m curious about everyone’s experience with or without epidural! With my first I had back labor and it was painful and my epidural fell out and they put it back in and I still don’t think it helped with the pain at all and I’m almost wondering if this time I should try to go without and try other methods
My MIL never asks me how I’m doing in pregnancy, she never asks my partner how I am but just constantly texts my partner saying ‘how is my princess doing’ referring to her granddaughter It offends me that she doesn’t bother to ask how I’m doing despite knowing I’ve had a really difficult pregnancy, and I hate her ...