Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Anybody on Nexplanon ? This is my first time on it. I’ve been seeing my period for 3 weeks now non-stop is this normal ? My first period on it was regular and lasted 5 days but the second time is weird. I’m not sure what to do. It’s not a heavy flow though like when I had first started
This might be a little picky but I’m genuinely curious. I and in a two week wait, pretty early In it. 6 dpo ish but I’m having some odd discharge I will put in the comments. It’s very very thick and very very white.
So I’m currently like 37 1/2 weeks. At about 33 weeks I kinda got into it with my obgyn. My man and I weren’t happy so we requested to switch. Now they told me it was fine to switch and they would have another doctor in the office work with me. And then one day I just randomly got discharged by then for wanting to s...
I’m 11 days postpartum. Ever since I was a teen I knew I only wanted one or no kids, because I’m not very fond of them, and because I grew up raising my siblings. I love my daughter of course but I am absolutely uninterested in ever getting pregnant with another kid. So much so that I’ll probably abstain from sex un...
Kept having periods for 2 weeks after i gave birth so i got an ultrasound and they found out i have a cyst on my left ovary. Im gonna get another ultrasound in a month to see if anything happened to it. They just prescribed me “Twirla” birth control to help regulate my period. Has anyone taken this? Any side effects...
I was wondering what is everyone thinking/having as a contraception ?
Yesterday i had a smear and transvaginal exam. Today I’ve had abuse clump of jelly like discharge, funny clue. Could this be from the lubricant jelly from the exam? Has anyone experienced this?
I’ve been on Xulane for about 2 months. No serious issues for me, but I’m 6 months PP and I’ve only lost 12 of the 40 lbs I’m trying to lose. Anybody else have trouble losing weight while on this birth control? I’ve lost 2 lbs while on it, so it might be my impatience vs the birth control. Just want to hear others’ ...
Is it normal to have my vagina entrance sting when I pee? I do not have a UTI that is for sure it is just the entrance that sings
So I've been taking the pill (tri lo sprintec) ever since I can remember. But I want to try something new. I'm 37 now but I'm wondering if trying a new birth control will affect me negatively. My DR wants to put me on this since I forget sometimes w the pill. But I've seen a bunch of side effects, allot that are not...
How soon after stopping the pill did you get pregnant?
I have a 17 month old and a 2 week old and I am looking for contraception (as I am not planning to get pregnant again for at least 3 years). Before getting into a relationship 2.5 years ago I had always used condoms as I was having casual sex and condoms are the only thing that protects from STD as well as pregnanc...
Hi, I had tested some basic immunology tests but they aren't comprehensive. Was wondering if anyone had a done a comprehensive full panel immunology test in London and can recommend a place to do this? I can see ARGC offers this and a friend recommended CRP clinic but wanted to see if there's others, or if you hav...
I gave birth OCT 30 +I Got the depo shot while in hospital after giving birth I stopped bleeding 4 weeks postpartum and 4 days later I started back bleeding HEAVILY and the bleeding is nonstop. Been Heavily bleeding for 20 days nonstop. Could this be the birth control or still postpartum??
Does taking Plan B trigger a period? Im asking because on the 19th ill be 2m PP. I was intimate with my husband about a week ago and took the pill in the afternoon the day after. And well i wanna say 2 days ago I started spotting and now im having an actual bright red period. I am breastfeeding but also supplemen...
Anyone know how long it takes for 1 round of depo to leave your system??
Would like to introduce a probiotic, wondered if anyone is already using one and can make any recommendations?
Help, I am really stressing out 😭 So tonight my cat pooed in the bath. I went in there to go toilet and I could smell it… I didn’t touch it. But now I’m completely stressed out because I googled it and I’ve inhaled it by going into that room. Any advice? Does this matter?
This might be the worst yeast infection I’ve ever had. My period just ended and I could tell the yeast infection was coming before my period ended. It smells so funky and bready. My skin is so sensitive and it feels like I have little paper cuts down there. I need quick relief and remedies cuz I can smell myself thr...
I have only ever had and absolutley loved my iud's. Getting off of them to start trying was actually very un-fun and resulted in more emotion fluctuation, heavier periods, and cramping. I plan on getting a new iud at 6 weeks pp, but heard i could have a completly different reaction after birth.