Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Has anyone else decided to ask to work from home? I want to bring it up to my manager but feel awful, for context I walk 30 mins there and back and it’s really starting to take its toll now, also concerned as it gets darker and icy etc.
so i’m self employed and recieved dwp payments for 9 months. i just assumed it’d stop after 9 payments, but ive recieved another one today!! i wasn’t sure if i needed to let them know im back at work?! will they just keep paying me?!? i’m so confused
I got my txt last night saying I get the £500 maternity grant- when did everyone else get there’s, how soon after the next was it in there bank?
So I’m currently on maternity leave and my 3 year old is starting reception next year when I go back to work. I work part time so don’t really have much annual leave. How do people manage to look after the kids for each half term whilst working like the summer holidays? Are your kids looked after by other family ? A...
I have gotten myself in about £2000 worth of debt on different credit cards as I’ve had 2 under 2 (2nd was a surprise) & i lost my job. I I was attending college when I had them and therefore was not entitled to universal credit. Now I’ve left, I do receive it but I cannot afford everything when all these bills are ...
Hello all! Does anyone know the laws for a home business in alberta? I'm trying to look everywhere regarding licensing and requirements but can't find anything! I'd be making and selling custom chocolate bars, rice crispies, chocolate cover cookies, cake pops, etc. Any help would be appreciated! I want to start this...
So I’m about 36 weeks pregnant and I have been putting together my birth plan and I’m trying to figure out what to put in my birth plan as far as my atmosphere and environment I will be giving birth in a hospital and I’m not sure what I can include that can help me be more comfortable and I wanted to know what you g...
Are there any full-time working mamas who’ve successfully navigated using OR paid family leave for maternity leave? Are there any other leave policies that can be layered onto the 14 paid weeks (12 standard + 2 for giving birth) to extend time off even further? I’d be ok with unpaid for a little while if I still had...
I hate my job and I'm looking for a new one .....I just moved to a new state and been working for 3 Months now at the place I hate I have 4 interviews coming and I don't want to bring up that job and just say I've been a SAHM this whole time (yes I have a full credentials with education for what I do) So anyone h...
In Nov 2023 I received a letter about doing jury duty but the date I was due to start was my due date so obviously had to delay it. I recently received another letter saying about being selected again and to start at end of Nov this year (typical that it is also my birthday the date I am meant to start 🙄). But I am…
I need a work from home job with little to no phone use. I have a 6 week old and can't afford childcare. I am sick of these oh give me money upfront and scams.
Hey moms, how are you all making extra income these days? Between bills piling up and the cost of everything going up, it’s been such a struggle for me. It’s gotten to the point where it’s causing stress in my relationship, and I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’ve been applying to second jobs but haven’t heard back yet. I’...
I think im in early labour, im having consistent pains. I want to call triage but would like to know what they’ll do. Im 37 weeks Thursday , I know they use a speculum when your at a certain gestation does anyone know when they stop with that? Will they swap me? Will they keep me In because I’m early ? Thanks x
Has anyone else gone back full time? I am next week and the guilt is starting to set in 😭 I didn't realise how much it would affect me! Just thinking of how I will only see our baby for a couple of hours a day ☹️
If you've applied for this, how long did it take til you heard back/got the backdated money? I'm a little late in applying and didn't realise you can only be backdated 3 months pay (so if you haven't applied yet, do it asap so you don't miss out on a bit!).
What jobs do you all have? Since returning to my role following maternity, I'm hating it snd I've decided it's really not the job for me (recruitment) What do you all do for a living? Looking to find a new job! Want to feel inspired. Currently have no degree. But more than willing to go back into education
hey! so I have a 1 year old and pregnant with my second, I am currently unable to work so I am on UC my BD sends me aprox £100- £150 depending a week towards my child and the pregnancy to help out will this effect anything with UC as it’s an agreement we have, I moved into a private property so rent is double what i...
Here is the question. I lost my job recently and I just found out that I will have to pay for electricity and water. I applied for food stamps, and just I got approved 🙌. I'm in Maryland. Is there a service that will help me pay for those bills while I find a job? I live I. Columbia MD. Please let me know thanks
Yao I need help, I need to find a real remote job soon, my husband is working all the time and we had a little bit of savings put back and now it’s all about to be gone because our car had a blown head gasket and bills adding up on top and I’m 31 weeks pregnant and I can’t go and get a job because I’ve already been ...
My LO isn't well, she's been sick this evening so I can't send her to nursery tomorrow. As a teacher, am I entitled to paid time off to look after sick child or will it be unpaid? I'm looking on the NEU website but can't seem to find the answers... TIA