Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.
A) I talk about it with friends B) I try to rationalize my choices C) I ignore the feelings D) other
I know I don't
My son is 2.5 and he will be an only child for multiple reasons, financial, lack of support, health concerns… I could go on… As he’s getting older I’m feeling more and more guilt about the fact he’ll have no siblings. I’m the eldest of 3 and my husband is middle of 3. Neither of us particularly enjoyed having sibli...
This is my second baby but my first was born during summer. I can’t shake off the feeling of all the winter bugs going round and not wanting loads of visitors, I don’t even want people to hold my baby when they come is that bad. The thought of it fills me with rage and people are already saying how they can’t wait t...
Or do you feel like cos it’s their child too, why should I thank them?
Do you have an only child?
I’ve just had my egg retrieval and only got 2 eggs, looking for success or positive stories with a similar retrieval amount?!
Anyone want to connect and chat who has a transfer around mid December ? Tentatively scheduled FET transfer Dec 19
I'm a first-time mom to a nearly 9-week-old, and I still feel like such an imposter who doesn't know what they're doing. Am I taking care of her right? It feels like we've made it this far by sheer luck, and it could all fall apart at any moment. Does this feeling ever go away, or am I truly doing something wrong?
We’re getting our passports and it has asked us for my maternal parents details, but I don’t know my “real” dad would you just leave it in blank or fill out my step dads?
Debating whether to have another baby or stick with my one and only :)
So I have my 3rd FET on Monday, and I’m worried more so bc I work Tuesday and Wednesday and due to meetings and other things I cannot take those days off… long story short with all my other transfers I always rested a few days after but this time I can’t and I’m worried it would effect my results. My current fertil...
hi all. i am wondering whether anyone has any experience of this at all please? my progesterone levels were tested yesterday and were 3.7nmol/L (equivalent to 1.16ng/L which I think are the units used in the US and in lots of the stuff i’ve been reading). I am due to trigger tonight. My clinic don’t seem concerned b...
I got my results back from my booking bloods I had on the 1st of November and I’ve got an iron deficiency so I’ve got to start on iron tablets:( didn’t have this issue with my first…anyone else experienced this🫶🏻
Have one booked for Wednesday and have heard they don’t have the highest success rates! Bonus points for sharing your story so I know what to expect, thanks in advance!
My brothers have been absent from my son’s life for almost 1.5 years. They havent checked on me at all during my pregnancy. I am thinking I wont even share when my second baby is born (atleast not right away). Is it bad if they just find out through social media? I dont even think I will invite them to meet baby rig...
My supervisor discussed an interesting topic of manufacturing child hood magic . In short term that basically so many parents are attempting to buy childhood memories in extravagant ways and what type of adults we will see in the future. Do you feel that there is a way to preserve “childhood magic” without over...
Do you get help from your parents with looking after your little ones or do you just depend on your partner to help out once there home from work etc?
Please comment: How do you feel about another kid, now that your kid is only 18 months old and you loved them the most till now? Do you feel you won’t be able to give same attention to the first kid once the baby comes?
Anyone else realise AFTER having a baby how unhelpful the dad is? Even when he’s got kids of his own and ‘seems’ or told you he was really hands on?