Horrible pgp pain

Hey ladies, I am experiencing horrible pgp pain. I am 28 weeks now. I cant sit on chair or gym ball for more than 5-10min. Tried exercises as advised by physiotherapist, nothing works. Can anyone please suggest any remedies that helped them ?😭😭
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Belly band, pregnancy pillow, swimming and baths all helped me when I suffered with it. Try keeping up some light stretches & exercise but make sure to rest too. Nothing will take it 100% away but I found that when I did the above it was a lot easier

I’ve got it in my left side lower back. Only thing that helps me is chiropractor treatments. She basically uses sports massage and very gentle rocking motions but I’ve seen a huge improvement. Osteopaths use the same methods but nhs assistance sadly did nothing for me

Thank you will try this. No amount of stretches , band, rest is helping me . I will try to check out if chiropractor treatments help

@shivani just make sure you go to a pregnancy specialist as it’s all very gentle manipulation x

Hot baths and water bottles have been helpful in temporarily reliving my pain too 🛁

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