You’ll produce lots right after birth most likely because of how the hormone shift happens and the body gets your milk production ready. I ended up freezing stuff after my LG was born because of my body going a bit crazier than expected. I only managed to collect maybe 5-6 ounces in the three months leading up to birth
Definitly not a poor effort! You've done amazing there. It'll increase the more you do it. 😀
Thats amazing! Most people get nothing. Not even a drop. It took a few times to get a drop then it was a few drops the next time then after that like what you got and after that maybe 0.25 then 0.5 then 0.75 then I got 1ml per boob from about 39 weeks and didn't do more than that maybe I should have but my baby didn't need to eat any of it. I fed it all before it expired to not waste it but we never needed it. The only reason to do this is to help prevent you going overdue or in case its needed but it won't always be needed
I know my first attempts were pretty disheartening but I persisted and was able to get more each time. Having any colostrum available is better than none.