Ridiculous things making you cry?

I saw a list earlier in pregnancy of the most ridiculous things people had cried about, but it hadn’t happened to me yet. Last night my husband pretended to cry as part of a funny joke and just seeing his face look like he’s crying made me start crying, like i was so sad at the idea of him being sad lol! I knew he wasn’t actually sad so I kept laughing at the fact that I couldn’t stop crying and we were both so confused. It seemed very hormonal and bizarre. Anyone else crying about really weird/ funny things?
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Every time I see a newborn baby or a young baby in general on social media I cry with happy tears because it’s going to be me soon😭 idk lol

😂 I used to cry about Taylor swift. Like if I heard her name, boom. Tears. Music, tears! News article, tears. I have no idea why. It passed a few weeks ago. 😂😂😂😭😭😭🥲🥲🥲

Towards the beginning of this pregnancy, I started crying because I thought my husband was upset with me because I had accidentally knocked over the last cup of milk. He barely got 2 sips of it

I cried last week because I visited my family and the gardener had cut my parents garden a lot shorter/got rid of a lot of plants. Full on breakdown lol, my parents were very concerned 😅😂

I feel like i might be broken in this regard, and I’m usually a bit of a cryer. The only thing that has made me cry lately is that my cat of 14 years had to be put down.

Yesterday, I saw someone throw $1 out the window to a homeless person and then drive off and I cried because I thought it was so mean! 😂😂

I was in the car and Tracy Chapman “Fast Car” came on and I started balling 😭🤣🤣

Also, anything about animals in distress makes me soooo upset. Cried about a bee in the garden dying and a story I heard about a cat dying. 😭

My first pregnancy, I cried when I finished my McDonald's fries. Ok, not cried...balled like a toddler tantrum. We were literally sitting at McDonald's and could get more fries but I didn't want "new" fries, I wanted more of "MY" fries. I started laughing because I knew how stupid I was being, but still crying at the same time. It was bizarre. This pregnancy, I haven't cried silly, but I have channeled my inner toddler again. I was at a workshop type thing about geology and we were at a rocky beach looking for rocks with fossils. First, I was more interested in finding "pretty" rocks instead of fossils. And then someone asked to see what I had found and I got very possessive of my rocks and told them they weren't allowed to look.

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