Wow 🤯

What on earth is going on. My little boy has switched into full on devil mode the last month. naps are a gonner now. But bedtimes are dreadful, we get hitting. Screaming, running away, getting out of bed etc. Through the day he’s just not listening at all. Being so demanding/ dramatic. No amount of gentle parenting is working and I know people will probably think I’m the worst mum ever but I’ve lost my temper and had to shout a few times! 🥺 we always end it with a cuddle though but then it’s back to misbehaving Is this the new him? Is it a phase?! 😭😫
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Wish I knew. Dealing with it also


Bit late to the party - but this!! 😱

I’m with you on this I’m hoping it’s all a phase but it’s so tiring

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