health anxiety

any mamas deal with health anxiety? like i’m constantly stressing that something is wrong with me or that i’ll pass out around my child, it’s taking over my life and i don’t know what to do. i fear something will happen to me and my daughter won’t have a mom
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Literally all the time. After having my second baby immediately I became the most anxious person, constantly worried about fainting, & my heart beating weird. But it got better as the years went on. After having my 3rd baby, my son, my anxiety has almost gone away completely. It took time. Time & constant self growth when it came to choosing myself first with sleep, eating, being active, etc.

the fainting thing!! i’m so scared of fainting like why?? i never have in my life! but now it is my biggest fear and im scared of it faint she’ll crawl away and get hurt its taken over! thank you for your comment im glad you’re getting better !

Omg I’m the same. 8 months along and it’s the worse. Im hoping it will get easier

Yes! After mine was born I was so anxious and was scared to be alone with him as I worried about passing out and no one knowing and him being left on his own. It’s now 5 months later and I’m a lot less anxious, I don’t worry about passing out but my bee fear is getting cancer and being told il die, and I think about him being left without a mum. I’ve always had a fear of cancer, not sure why, but now I think about it all the time, constantly feeling like something bad will happen at some stage

Yep feel exactly the same. Recently I’ve had a bowel cancer scare had to have a colonoscopy all normal . Breast pain normal and now I’m hyper focused on moles

It’s horrible just wish I felt normal

Yes. I’ve had terrible health anxiety about my son and myself, since he was born. Though I also dealt with it before I had him. It’s worse now. It’s especially bad when there are health issues going on, but medical providers are either not helpful or cannot figure things out. Very scary/maddening. My PA recently said to me, “it sounds like you’re afraid of dying.” I said, no. I’m afraid of living life not being well, not feeling well, not having a good quality of life, not being able to care for my child… that’s what I’m afraid of! In my mind that’s worse than dying. Living a life of pain or suffering and not being able to be the mom I want to be. :(

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