3 days post c-section

Did anyone suffer with trapped wind and mainly in the top of there back and chest? Almost feels like it’s really heavy when I walk .. thanks all x
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Omg this has brought back so many memories! It’s the most uncomfortable feeling ever 🥹🥹 it lasted about a week or two. I ended up taking wind relief tablets x

@Jodi by far the worst thing I have ever experienced!! X

Yep I was even conspatied had a awful experience with my daughter compare to my son and both was c-section babies

@Tammy they sent me home last night, half hour later I went back into a&e because I was so breathless form it, doctor told me not to worry basically and it was all connected but as you can imagine Google freaked me out .. it’s been ok today and after I ate tonight it’s awful again x

Interesting….. what does it feel like to? I may have the same ?

It’s like a very heavy feeling on my chest and just under and all up the top of my back, only way I can describe it x @Lexi

I’ve been in triage tonight , well assessment unit with tightening but mainly my chest , so heavy , breathless , but I’m super constipated so I wonder if that’s it x

@Lexi that’s exactly the same as me, what do they think it is with you? They wanted to send me for a ct scan but only for my own peace of mind but I couldn’t lie down on my back with my c section scar but the doctor didn’t think it was anything I was worrying about x

Mine would be bad sat up , laying on my side and even just standing up, no relief really. They put it down to the baby moving things around inside , makes me panic as I feel I’m not getting enough air - but I’m practically sat up sleeping this evening praying it goes. They weren’t worried in hospital xx

Literally exactly the same as me!! If I walk I’m not able to walk straight, my doctor wasn’t worried either and I mean I’d had big surgery less than 24 hours before and was thinking clots and all sorts. I’m sleeping sitting up to, it’s the having to catch my breath when walking I don’t like, I have heard peppermint tea is really good so I’m gonna try that tomorrow x

Yeah it sends me into panic mode !! Then I’ve got the added heart palpitations to send me into overdrive. Pregnancy is great 👀 hope your okay today xx

Peppermint tea is good for helping this!x

@Lexi nothing fun about pregnancy is there lol! I spoke to my GP this morning and they’ve prescribed me tablets for it, I am 99% you can take them in pregnancy to so try your GP. Thank you, hope your ok to xx

@Lara thank you! Going to try it later xx

It’s trapped air from the OP peppermint tea and Gas X tablets

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Omg I had this it was terrible. I was crying with pain and panic as I felt like I couldn't breathe 😭🙈 They gave me peppermint shots to put in hot water and it amazingly really helped. I definitely recommend the peppermint tea as well. Also had the heart palpitations but it went away in a few days. The heaviness feeling did go eventually when I was eating and drinking again regularly. I think your guts kind of go into shutdown during c section then have to start up again after and it takes time to feel right again. I really wish someone would have explained this to me before I had a c section as well as I might not have worried so much after/been more aware of what to expect!

@Jenny I totally agree with you, if someone told me I wouldn’t have gone into panic mode so much! I literally got home and was gasping for breath, it was horrible. It is easing as the days are going by but still not great. I needed others to tell me they’d experienced it as I really did think it was something serious😫 c-section recovery defo isn’t the easy way is it! Xx

@Becky I know it's so horrible!! Freaked myself out on Google as well coz what else can you do while waiting for the nurse to come and look at you 🙈🙈 I really struggled with recovery, was not fun at all. At least lil baba helped me through it, having him made it worthwhile, at the time was adamant I'm never having another one 😅 Hope you're feeling better soon 😊 xx

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