
Why does it take so long to put a toddler to sleep? I'm so over it.
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Omg I’m on the same boat. She doesn’t want to sleep unless I rock her and she wants me to sing for her etc. it’s a mission putting her to sleep

Because they didn’t drain us mentally all day long 😂😂😂 in the same boat. The tantrums when he realises he needs to go to sleep as well 😩😩😩

Just been through the same battle. She used to go down no problem at 7.30. But the last few weeks, 9.30 has been the earliest. And she's still up for hours during the night and first thing in the morning 😫😫 Kids were sent to test us 😒😒

This shit is hard. lol. I have a 10 week old newborn too. Luckily only waking once in the night. But all day it's just go go go till 22:00 and then I'm exhausted I crash on the sofa 😭

Takes me 1-2 hours to get my boy down most nights but apparently my 18 year old daughter can do it in 5 minutes wtf 😒😂 guess who's on bedtime duty from now on lmao x

@Stephanie my almost 20 weeks old is a dream as well. He’s rolling over now so he’s moving a lot through the night, but my toddler, omg can this kid drive me crazy 😂😂😂

@Danielle I think we can all collectively agree that we need your daughters secret 😂 my toddler is still awake, me and his dad are singing Oompa Loompa now while he’s dancing in bed, granted he has a fever and doesn’t want any medicine 😩😩 we tried to force it down his throat, no luck 😭 and he keeps waking up my almost 20 week old as well 😭 he doesn’t want to sleep anywhere else but our bed, so yay

God i thought it was just me! Always minimum an hour to get him down, i have a 6 week old aswell 🫠

@Elena I wish I knew 😂 it's so annoying especially when she doesn't want to put him to bed for me too lmao x

@Danielle I would make it a rule 😂😂😂 even pay her if you have to

I thought I was alone and I also have newborn lol 😂 touchwood who is golden, prob universe knew I needed that lol 😂 while dealing with toddler. Often I’ve realised if we don’t go to bed when she asks then it’s doomed. I sing my lungs out lol 😂 or some days we pretend to sleep and somehow she sleeps herself

@Hannah same situation as me hahaa

It's so tiring. Anyone know when there's an end to this phase? 😔 Surely it can't last long???? Are you toddlers still napping?

@Stephanie ours still does. He’s 2 and a half. If the doesn’t at 6 something you have an extremely cranky monster that still refuses to sleep until 11:30/ midnight

@Elena aha I wish she'd 18 now she don't care and has a job lol, but no she's amazing with him and has been doing it most nights since he started letting her so it's been lovely! First time in 2.5 years someone else put him to bed and I got a break x

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@Danielle our toddler still sleeps with us, so both me and his dad put him to sleep, but god it takes ages. For example, now he’s back in the living room cause he threw a super big tantrum about not wanting to sleep, even woke up my 4 month old in the process 😡 on the other hand, for now I’m the only one that puts the baby to sleep as I give him a big feed, dummy and cot

@Elena toddlers are hard work lol but I remind myself that one day he will be a grumpy teen like the other 3 and not want my cuddles or to sleep in my bed and I will miss those moments x

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