Continuous Accidents

Lately whenever I leave the house for a couple hours, either for an appointment or to get groceries, my Great Dane either pees or poops inside. I can't necessarily bring him with me to these things and with how hot it is outside, I can't leave him there either. He's also severely terrified of any crate due to being a rescue. I'm at a loss as to what I should do. He doesn't do it when I'm home so I don't think it's a bowel issue. Any advice is much appreciated!
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Have you took him to a vet yet?

@Taylor I brought him today and they couldn't find anything medically wrong with him

Hiii! Id absolutely love to help you & your boy out! Im a dog trainer by profession but I throughly enjoy spending my free time helping out my fellow moms of peanut & their canine counterparts! (For freeeeee!) I have a few suggestions for ya already on the top of my brain but if I could get more general details on your boy like his age & anything else you feel might be relevant! (Like anything you have already tried already!) & your ideal goals in whatever you’re lookin to work on, then I’d hopefully be able to give the most accurate suggestions without suggesting things that might’ve already not worked for y’all!! My inbox is always open! 🫶🏼 (I also made a group on here where moms can come ask me anything dog related at any time! even staying anonymous there if they wanted to!)

If you're only going to be away for a little while, maybe take the water away, and take him for a long walk before you leave? That might help. Have you tried leaving the TV on, look up TV for dogs on YouTube. Maybe if he had like an activity, a bone filled with peanut butter, or a friend he would be less likely to pee in the house? Just spitballing here. Does he always pee in the same place or a different area? Have you tried putting down a wee wee pad?

@Parker I just looked at your profile and you seem so funnnnn!! What’s the group called?!

@Cassie “ask a dog trainer anything! (For free!)” 🤭🥰 heheh you are so sweet

It sounds like separation anxiety but I'm not a professional

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