Feeling down

Does any other mama go into moods where you feel like you’re not good enough? Like there’s this overly pending doom about to hit and everything you do just feels 10x harder and overthinking doesn’t help. Like I am trying super hard but right now it’s hard to show up and I just feel the depression setting in hard.
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Yes! I've been going through that lately. My husbands bipolar and it's been kicking his butt lately. Our 2 girls barely want anything to do with me unless they are yelling. I can't drive because I have seizures, but honestly I wish I could. Right now a few days doing what I want and getting time for myself without feeling bad and him getting to see what it would be like in my shoes would be perfect. I feel like im worthless and can't do anything right. Sometimes I'll just get the thought in my head that the family would be so much better if I just left. I try to remind myself of different things parents go through, but it's really hard to stay positive when you feel like you don't even matter. 😞

I understand that… my husband had DID and I have Bipolar and lately it feels like we are both down and battling but how we cope is super different and our son has been nothing but the best but it’s still hard because I feel like I’m failing him in many ways. I always wonder if they’d be better with someone else…

I struggle with PMDD and feel this heavily

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