Night feeds and pump

Responsive feeding at night does not correspond with my pump schedule. I pump every 3 hours at night as im only 5 weeks PP, and baby is waking up between pumps for feeds (no strict pattern so its different every night). I'm really tired now as I'm up to pump and then up again to feed soon after or just before. Will it affect my supply if I only pump when my baby wakes up for a feed at night, instead of a strict 3hrly schedule, even if she sleeps for 4-5 hours between feeds? I'd get so much more sleep
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Really depends. You should do at least 1 night pump between 2-4 but depends if you are an over supplier just enougher etc etc. my little one started sleeping through around 6 weeks of age. I wake up about 4am to ensure I do one pump (my body tends to wake me) and then I just pop that one in my fridge helps to maintain my supply and gives me a milk buffer for the day ahead in case he's ever hungry ahead of me pumping

@Louise I'm an over supplier at the moment (around 7oz in total for both breasts), and my baby tends to feed around 9pm, 1am, and 5am but that's not always the case, it can change. Usually 3-4 feeds between 9pm and 6am, but not always the same time as my pumping schedule which at the moment is strictly 9pm, midnight, 3am and 6am.

I pump about 11pm and 4am.... Tends to work for me I use any milk I've oversupplied in the day if he wakes more..... But for me that's great because I only have to pump 2x before I get up about 7.30/8

@Louise how many weeks PP are you? Did the drop of night pumps affect your supply?

I pump when my baby wakes up. I think if I were exclusively bf I wouldn’t wake my baby up to feed him so I’m pumping for what he needs. He’s similar to your baby where he’s up typically around 9, 12/1, and 4/5. I’m an oversupplier as well and he’s 9 weeks so this hasn’t affected my supply at all

@Allie @Louise Do you think it would work if I pumped at 21:00 and 06:00, and any time in between when she wakes up, or if by some miracle she sleeps through, pumping at 21:00, 01:30 and 06:00, instead of 21:00, 00:00, 03:00 and 06:00?

I think you’d have to try it to see how your body responds but since you have an oversupply I don’t see why that wouldn’t work!

@Allie F××k it, will try it tonight - I'm so excited to get better sleep haha!

It might work! Best you can do is try I'm 13weeks pp now but have been doing only 1 night pump since 6 weeks. My supply has recently dropped but that's I think more from regulation than anything else. I just try through the day to pump every 3-4 hours and at night I do the one pump when my body wakes me as my breasts are too full

For the past few weeks I’ve been pumping after feeds all day, so she eats then I pump for the next one. She’s sleeping through the night now so that means my during the day pumps are close enough together but on a night I pump after her last feed at night, that goes in the fridge, then I just set an alarm to pump at 5am. I know your baby isn’t sleeping through the night but if you’ve pumped after their last feed you’ll have that one ready to go then can pump after the other wakes too?

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