Baby must be held 😬😳

Baby is 10 days old today and cries unless she is held... so I end up holding her on my lap the majority of the day, whilst she feeds or sleeps, then my partner will usually take her and hold her to give me breaks. At night, we've started co sleeping with her on sofa during shifts. As she will not stay down asleep in crib- cries within mins. I worry we've created bad habits from the get go. Wondering if anyone has a similar experience or any tips/ tricks!? Thanks in advance x
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Following! Having a similar situation although he only wants to be held by mom! It’s been really tough on my toddler

My boy was like this, I invested in a sling for around the house to be able to get things done and in regards to night time we set a routine from day one and he soon learnt that even if he cried we were there but we would not stimulate him, at daytime we were talk to him play with him and as soon as it turns nighttime, we do not talk or make eye contact and we only say shhh , and give him comfort but we will not pick him up out of the cot unless he really gets worked up, and he sleeps very well during the night but still likes to contact nap in the day. I always try to remind myself that they’ve known as being in your womb and you’re only comfort, it can be super tough but it’s not you can never spoil a newborn xx

I had this for the first 4 nights and I read online about how the baby doesn’t know if you’re coming back and to build their confidence that you will come to them and to comfort them at any sign of distress vs self soothe . I don’t know if this will work for you but on one of the night shifts I persisted with putting him down every time he fell asleep (minimising the startle reflex by lowering his bum first onto his side, then continuing to cup his head and pat his belly whilst I turn him on his back and slowly remove my hands), then as soon as his stirred or whimpered or made a noise at all I patted/stroked him whilst he was in Moses/crib, eventually lifting him out when he became upset. I repeated this process ALOT, but gradually I think he understood that I would always come to him and he slowly did longer stretches until now he will go down. It’s not perfect and we still contact nap a lot during the day but at night he happily sleeps in the crib. Good luck x

I should also say my little one prefers a swaddle style sleeping bag and also loves the sling during the day x

You won't create bad habits, don't worry. It's completely natural for babies to want to be close to you, as they spent 9 months inside your tummy. I co-slept and carried my now 2 year old for months, and he's now super independent and has been sleeping through the night for ages. Doing the same with my 3 week old daughter. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you feel like you want to do more during the day, then maybe use the sling more, or try and swaddle her and pop her in the cot. I think at this stage it's all a trial and error thing. Good luck x

Exactly the same as Flo above, was told over and over that I was ‘creating bad habits’ but my son is super independent now and sleeps in his own bed and I miss him so much! Definitely also suggest getting a sling we have a freerider which has been amazing xx

The sofa is the most dangerous place to co-sleep. If you are going to co-sleep do it safely in a bed/flat surface

Do not co sleep on a sofa. There are safe ways to co sleep in a bed, check out the Lullaby Trust.

A sling is perfect for cracking on around the house. Just remember they spent 9 months, tucked up inside you, exposed to nothing. Close to you & only hearing you. It’s a huge world out here & they just want to feel the warmth and snuggle in! It doesn’t create bad habits my little girl is happy independent and happy in her own space (she’s 14 months) ! Just enjoy it! One day they will want to be off and don’t want mama cuddles☹️ x

I wouldn’t suggest co sleeping on the sofa. I’d suggest you and baby being in bed & the other parent on the sofa. Better safe than sorry x

Yess mines too n she just turned a month she started this last week lol She will sleep on me be knocked out soon as I put her down she wakes up like she was never sleep lol

Read up on the 4th trimester, it’s completely normal they want to do close to you. Use a sling? Everyone has an opinion on co sleeping, read up on safe co sleeping. I’ve done it with all three of mine, alll three sleep in there own rooms and go through the night by 12 months, xx

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