Am I just hormonal or would you be pissed off too?

So we are visiting my MIL in Milan. Today we walked over 5km to the park she wanted to see my 19 month old play at. I am 30 weeks pregnant and it’s 35 degrees. Whatever it’s for my kid. We are trying to find a place to eat and my toddler is having a meltdown I have to carry her in the heat- we can’t reach the restaurant as there is construction so she has a hissy fit and makes it about her being tired etc eventually we go home. I’m annoyed because I am the one suffering being kicked by a screaming child but she complains. Come tonight we are ordering pizza and my husband says I’m having the pancetta and mushrooms one. The pancetta is on the pizza cooked. She then says no I can’t have that pregnant it’s not allowed. She goes googles it etc like it’s her body. I lost it. My husband Proved her wrong but I’m done. She is so invasive and I have reached my limit. She is due a whole week at ours in August. Am I a raging pregnant lady?!
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No. Where was her concern when u were carrying your child in the heat?! She seems very controlling and not actually interested in your well-being

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