Bed time

I’ve seen a lot of people say they put their baby to bed around 7pm, when you do that, do you go to bed as well? We usually take ours to bed when we go up about 9/10pm but want to put them down earlier. I’m just not ready for bed at that time but wouldn’t want to leave them upstairs on their own?
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I put my boy down between 10.30/11.30 🙊 i rather put him down later, so he wakes later! Then, in the morning, I can wake up while he is still sleeping and have a cup of tea in peace! I leave him on his own but watch him in the camera to see when he wakes up 🫶

It what ever works for you! Each baby and family is different

My daughter isnt at that stage yet but with my previous children I'd put them down in a moses basket in the living room and just chill watch a film or something, and just make it so everything is quite dark and quiet, then I'd go up to bed when they first woke. It's a tough one though because you're reliant on them waking when you want to go to bed lol. There's no science to it, when I get to that stage again though I'll be putting her to bed in my room and getting a monitor xx

@Indy This is what we do but I’ve been wondering if we should be taking her up earlier 🙈

We’re still putting our boy down around 9/10ish when we go upstairs but my partner will stay awake so he can feed him just after then he will wake around 3am so gets a decent stretch and only gets up once during the night

We put her down at around 7pm and have the baby monitor on so we can see her then go up go bed around 9-10pm. She's always been fine snd then if she's not we can see on the monitor. Do you have a baby monitor?

Our little boy goes down between 7-8 in his next to me, we pop the baby monitor on and come downstairs then go to bed ourselves around 10.30 x

Yes we have a baby monitor but wasn’t sure if we were able to use it until he’s older as they say to keep them in the same room. Maybe we will give that a go though if you are using them already xx

I take my baby upstairs at around 9.30 bath, put on his projector light, read him a book, boobies, then rock him. He's usually asleep around 10.30/11 ish as that's what works for me, I go to sleep once I've put him in his crib then xx

Yes also seeing a lot of 7pm sleep times. I do 10pm ad that’s the time I’m ready for bed as this makes sure I can get some sleep too.

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